What are America's black attorneys doing about this discrepancy?

"There's no need for any of us to get into the drug trade on any level. period." Michael Fisher
Who's "us" Mike?
Does "us" include Pfizer? Does "us" include Merk? Does "us" include GlaxcoSmithKline who reported profits of over $5.8 billion last year?
Or does "us" mean everyone except rich white men and corporations?
Massa can deal all the drugs he wants for "social anxiety" disorder and to sedate kids with which no one wants to deal.
But not underclass brothers from the street. Nooooo. Umm. Um. Can't have the peasants creating markets and dominating an industry. No sir. Too much power in that.
Diabetes killed over 80,000 Americans last year. Less than 600 people died from Cocaine use.
It should be illegal to sell High Fructose Corn Syrup. Not marijuana. Regulate it. Control it. Tax it. Making it illegal artificially supports the price making it profitable to deal.
Warehousing 2 million human beings is not in the interest of America.
The Hon. Elijah Muhammad had a solution for the racist justice system:
Stay away from criminality, mind your own business, build your own business, if they come to take your stuff, defend yourself with a vengence.
De facto the American justyice system as far as black folk is concerned always had a "three strike law". Heck, a "one strike law". If you f***d up they'd hang a black man for an offense fr which they'd give house arrest to a white guy.
Thus... don't give 'em any excuses. There's no need for any of us to get into the drug trade on any level. period.