Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The Holocaust Religion
Gilad Atzmon

Award winning musician and writer, Gilad Atzmon served in the Israeli military, yet later became one of the most eloquent opponents of Zionism in the world. Atzmon suggests that the mentality of Jewish extremists predates what is referred to as “The Holocaust” with a capital “H” for as Atzmon suggests in his title this Holocaust mentality has been going on “From Esther to AIPAC.”

“Interestingly enough, the Holocaust religion extends far beyond the internal Jewish discourse. In fact the new religion operates as a mission. It sets shrines in far lands. As we can see, the emerging religion is already becoming a new world order. It is the Holocaust that is now used as an alibi to nuke Iran… To a certain extent we are all subject to this religion, some of us are worshipers, others are just subject to its power. Interestingly enough, those who deny the Holocaust are themselves subject to abuse by the high priests of this religion. Holocaust religion constitutes the Western ‘Real’. We are not allowed to touch it or to look into it. Very much like the Israelites who are entitled to obey their God but never to question him. ” –- Gilad Atzmon

Philosopher Yeshayahu Leibowitz, the German born Hebrew University professor, was probably the first to suggest that the Holocaust has become the new Jewish religion. ‘The Holocaust’ is far more than historical narrative, it indeed contains most of the essential religious elements:

1) it has its priests (Simon Wiesenthal, Elie Wiesel, Deborah Lipstadt, etc.) and

2) prophets (Shimon Peres, Benjamin Netanyahu and those who warn about the Iranian Judeocide to come).

3) It has its commandments and dogmas (’never again’, ’six million’, etc.).

4) It has its rituals (memorial days, Pilgrimage to Auschwitz etc.).

5) It establishes an esoteric symbolic order (kapo, gas chambers, chimneys, dust, Musselmann, etc.).

6) It has its shrines and temples (Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Museum and now the UN).

7) If this is not enough, the Holocaust religion is also maintained by a massive economic network and global financial infrastructures (Holocaust industry a la Norman Finkelstein).

8) Most interestingly, the Holocaust religion is coherent enough to define the new ‘antichrists’ (the Deniers) and it is powerful enough to persecute them (Holocaust denial laws).



Intellectual Insurgent said...

Fascinating piece.

In the new religion it is ‘the Jew’ whom the Jews worship. It is all about ‘me’, the subject of endless suffering who makes it into redemption…

Funny, because everyone I have met who has traveled to Israel has told me about how notoriously rude and self-centered the people are. They cut places in line, push people out of the way, etc. And that's just how they treat their fellow Jew. It is a country of primadonnas who think the whole world owes them a cookie.

Denmark Vesey said...

"It is a country of primadonnas who think the whole world owes them a cookie."

That sentiment must be contagious. It is happening here in America too.