Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Senator Edwards Pretends To Shovel Mud With Black Katrina Victims

Guess who's running for president?

Welcome to another season of American Idol Politics. Our entire electoral process is a television show. I marvel at people who can walk into a "voting booth" and still manage to keep a straight face.


Intellectual Insurgent said...

The fact that people still fall for this nonsense makes one wonder if they aren't getting what they deserve.

Democracy consists of choosing your dictators, after they've told you what you think it is you want to hear. ~ Alan Corenk

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve. ~
George Bernard Shaw

Anonymous said...

That's the story with politics everywhere--it's a show. It's not just America. Not that I'm for it, but you got any altenatives?

Denmark Vesey said...

OK. It's a show. You know it. I know it.

Do you vote in the next election - knowing it's a show?

At what point does participation in the charade reinforce the illusion of democracy, liberty and freedom?

Is a slave, allowed to "vote", still a slave?

The solution to the problem of a hi-jacked electoral process is not that deep:


Death penalty for lobbyists.


Intellectual Insurgent said...

Absolutely. In other countries, we call what lobbyists do "corruption". Here, corruption has been legalized and legitimized as business as usual.

Denmark Vesey said...

You are right Insurgent. What lobbyists do is corruption.

What AIPAC has done is a coup d'etat.

The United States has essentially been reduced to a big dumb bodyguard for Israel. Except this bodyguard pays the bills.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

But why? Why does AIPAC have such unrivaled power? It has to be more than just having money to throw around. They must be blackmailing people or something.

Anonymous said...

I think you guys are overstating the case. Does American democracy have problems? Yes. Is it TOTALLY worthless? No. Ostensibly our votes still count, at least for the most part, which is why Bush doesn't have a lap-dog GOP congress any longer. Publicly funded elections my ass. It'll never happen. And even if it did, people would cheat.

I agree that the neocons have essentially taken over the USA govt. There is no doubt in that. But it's not just the guys in the White House, it's the reporters, the media bosses, the grass roots and the financiers. They are all working together toward a common agenda--US-Israeli hegemony.

Oh yeah, the wire tap, blackmail and extort people too. Peep out the JDL.

Jude said...

Mr. Vesey,

Thanks for the link.

I do so appreciate your perspective and your blog.

And I'm happy to see that you've added comments.

I'm sure you did it a little while ago, but I've had minimal computer access for the last couple of weeks.

Anyway, thanks again for the link.
