Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Nature Nurture Soy Estrogen Whatever - This Shit Aint Right - Come On Bruh!

If we now know AIDS in Africa is man made, and probably distributed via "vaccines", how do we know they aren't injecting brothers in America with some gender bending concoction at birth?

Yeah, yeah right. Polio my ass. I don't believe brothers were running around the Motherland 100 years ago in loin cloths, high heel sandals and snapping their fingers at wildebeests.


Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

03 10 09

Whoa! Does that guy have little boobies? He is cute in his own way and very well groomed.heheheheeh

Anonymous said...

Ole boy is working those shorts and heels. I say go on work it don't hurt anybody.

Anonymous said...

He appears to be a homosexual. He is either confused about gender roles or is purposefully making an attempt to blur the gender line. Some people would call him a "faggot" and wonder what his usefulness on the planet entailed (if any). Others would see him as subversive to all that is good and would wish for him to undergo a transmogrification or meet his demise. While others may say "Go boy!" I just got an unpleasant sensation in my body. upon viewing the above pic. (sigh)

Anonymous said...

We can thank Tyler Perry for bring out our fem side.

Anonymous said...

Nuh-uh! TP can't carry that man's weight! Dudes have been cross-dressing since waaayy before Madea discovered hollow points.