Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Global Warming Illuminati Conspiracy Theory? "Prince" Charles Says "We Have 100 months to save the world" - Who Is We? (Eugenecists)

The Prince of Wales is to issue a stark warning that nations have "less than 100 months to act" to save the planet from irreversible damage due to climate change.

Prince Charles will say that the need to tackle global warming is more urgent than ever before and that, even in a global recession, the world must not lose sight of the "bigger picture".
His warning will be delivered on Thursday in a keynote speech in Rio de Janeiro.
Aides believe it will echo one he gave in Sao Paulo in 1991 at the start of the last recession, when he warned that caring for the world's long term welfare must not become a "luxury".

NEWS BRIEF: "Winged Prince is 'Savior of the World' ", Fox News Life, March 7, 2002.

"LONDON — The Prince of Wales is to be immortalized in bronze as a muscular, winged god dressed in nothing more than a loincloth. He will be the first living member of the Royal Family to have a life-size statue dedicated in his honor. Although the Prince is destined to become Defender of the Faith when he becomes King of England, the inscription on the statue in Brazil will honor him as 'Savior of the World'." [Emphasis added]

This designation just reeks of the title Antichrist is planning to take upon himself when he appears on the world scene. He will come striding though the smoke, dust, and destruction of the planned Third World War [NEWS1056] to establish "peace and safety", amidst great "lying signs and wonders". He will deceive the entire population of the world -- except for God's Elect -- because a mighty demonic spirit of lying and deception will blow through the world at the time he appears.

Let us go back to this article:

"He is shown naked, apart from the loincloth, with giant, angel-like wings protruding from his back. His arms are extended as if offering comfort and security. The statue will dominate the town square, to be named after the Prince, in Palmas, the state capital of Tocantins on the edge of the rainforest. The sculpture, which will invite comparisons with the statue of Christ overlooking Rio de Janeiro from Corcovado, is set on a marble base. At its feet is an untidy mass of human bodies, one drinking from a bottle of wine, which is said to represent the world in a mess which the Prince is busy saving."

1 comment:

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

03 10 09

That is scary. But the timing is consistent. Whenever times are tough, people renew faith whether in religion or in people or whatever else. The problem I have is that the whole world seems to be Messiah prone at this time and that means that the bullshit radars get thrown out the window in exchange for compliance and ignorant bliss. I don't like that one bit.

As it stands, our President has the most aggressive pro abortion record of any President in history AND he now believes it is just fine to kill babies to fund research when they have shown that stem cells don't HAVE to come from babies to be effective. Our President has shown me that he has a blatant disregard for human life in supporting such madness and I cannot and will not support him simply cuz he has shiny white teeth and a nice smile. Charm is not sufficient to garner my approval.

I wish more Americans analyzed things like this because the NWO is doing everything it can to normalize genocide in all of its forms.

Prince Charles is simply giving us an ultimatum for the resource wars to come based upon his personal knowledge, probably from helping to plan them...But hey maybe I'm paranoid.