Sunday, July 13, 2008

New Yorker Cover Infuriates The Easily Distracted

On the cover of the upcoming New Yorker:
Satirical portrayal of Obama through the eyes of his opposition, or McCain recruitment poster?

The cover art, depicting Senator Obama in a turban, while wife Michelle, packing an assault rifle, shares a "fist bump" with him, is described by the New Yorker as artist's Barry Blitt's lampooning of "scare tactics and misinformation in the Presidential election to derail Barack Obama's campaign."

The State Of . . .
I get the New Yorker and the cover almost always satirizes a current major news story. For example, during Katrina, the cover depicted Bush, Cheney, Rice and Rummie being flooded in the White House.

The problem with this cover is that it lacks satire. If the cover was meant to depict 'right wing fears of Obama,' the fear within the right wing would be evident in the drawing. Instead, what we get is just image of the Islamic Obamas without any depiction of the irrational right wing fear.

Juliette said ...
One area in America where no one is allowed to talk about is Jewish influence and power in the media and publishing. The New Yorker is edited, of course, by Mr. Remnick who is, of course, Jewish. In every issue there is at least two to three stories about for for Jewish readers. This week's issue had a Jewish art maestro in Soho and Mr. Zell, a real estate billionaire who is buying a big hunk of the US newspaper business.

Forcing Obama to declare he is not a Muslim By Association is a propaganda ploy. Depicting Muslims as the enemy of America keeps Israel alive.


the good nurse said...

Hell yes

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

can we take our draws out our azzes
we get up set over
every thing
but whast important
we need to learn the constitution

Anonymous said...

I get the New Yorker and the cover almost always satirizes a current major news story. For example, during Katrina, the cover depicted Bush, Cheney, Rice and Rummie being flooded in the White House.

The problem with this cover is that it lacks satire. If the cover was meant to depict 'right wing fears of Obama,' the fear within the right wing would be evident in the drawing. Instead, what we get is just image of the Islamic Obamas without any depiction of the irrational right wing fear.

Submariner said...

And in your question you encapsulate the tragic failure of hip hop. Any political contribution that it makes is at best secondary and incidental. Before you go and twist my words and sentiments, I am definitely not blaming hip hop for anything. What I am saying is that it has failed to transform its massive contribution to black cultural hegemony into a sustained, rigorous, and collective defense of the black family. There is no reason that it can't do this if it chooses to do so.

G M said...

Skip can deny this all he wants...but here we have the neo-PhariHeeb elephant stomping in the middle of the room yet again.

Editor of the Jew Yorker is David Remnick, a secular Jew/Zionist apologist.

And of course, the first President the rag ever endorsed in 80 years - was half-Jew John Kerry in 2004 under his tenure.

All these Jews ever care about is their own agendas and self-interest. And they will slander the hell out of everyone else to get it. Period. Naive goyim and other Americans have no idea what the fvck are dealing with.

Anonymous said...

One area in America where no one is allowed to talk about is Jewish influence and power in the media and publishing. The New Yorker is edited, of course, by Mr. Remnick who is, of course, Jewish. In every issue there is at least two to three stories about for for Jewish readers. This week's issue had a Jewish art maestro in Soho and Mr. Zell, a real estate billionaire who is buying a big hunk of the US newspaper business.

Forcing Obama to declare he is not a Muslim By Association is a propaganda ploy. Depicting Muslims as the enemy of America keeps Israel alive.

G M said...

The sad thing is, since his largest donor is Goldman-Sachs, Obama is never going to drop his sack and man up against these Jews. He's going to keep looking the other way and taking it like their lil' houseboy bitch that he is. And go on and on with regurgitating their rhetoric about defending Israel to the death and fighting their ongoing "war against (Arab) terror" like a pullstring puppet.


Funny thing "racism" is in the US. Those most guilty of it (Jews) are not labelled the "usual suspects," and so get away with it unchecked everytime...

Anonymous said...

Funny thing "racism" is in the US. Those most guilty of it (Jews) are not labelled the "usual suspects," and so get away with it unchecked everytime...

deep. very deep.

G M said...

Jews' excuse of satire is BS.

Michelle's militancy and Obama's "Islamic" background aren't even issues. Never really were - except when created by Jews.

There was nothing in the news recently about these "issues," from McCain's camp or anywhere else.

As was said, it was just another Jewish attempt to force the issue - and force Obama to reaffirm his Zionist solidarity, slander and force him to rebuke Islam and slander the right as hate-mongers.