Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Saddam Did Go Out Like A Man ...

Whatever they say about Saddam, he stepped right up and went to his death like a man. No hood. No begging. No cries of innocence. Looked cats right in the eye, said "God is Great!" and swoooosh!

Can you imagine if it were the other way around? If Bush or Cheney or Wolfowitz or Feith or any of the other NeoCon pro-War, WMD lying bastards, had to take a bit of what they dish out? Don Imus did a funny thing about it on the air this morning.

During the 8 AM ET hour of Don Imus's show this morning he and Mike Barnicle fantasized about how various Republicans would react to being hung on the gallows.

Imus: "I was – I tried to imagine how various members of the current administration would behave were they subjected to the gallows as Saddam Hussein was. Um, and I can see Rumsfeld –"
Barnicle: “He wouldn't take it. No blindfold for Rumsfeld.”

Imus: "That's what I was thinking, you know. ‘F-you.' You know, you go to the gallows with the noose you want, not the noose you– or the noose you have, not the noose you want–"

Barnicle: "That's exactly right."

Imus: "Or Whatever. But Cheney–"

Barnicle: "Just as that trap door opens, he'd drop an f-bomb to all of them."

Imus: "How about Cheney?"

Barnicle: “I don't think Cheney would make it up the steps.”

Imus: "Now this is a guy who would, this is a guy – he'd wet his pants and he'd whine and start

Barnicle: "Well He would order as a last meal 400 pounds of bacon."

Imus: "Yeah, ‘cause this is a guy got six deferments just to get out of Vietnam because he had, what was that phrase he used – he had some other more important issues to deal with. One of ’em, the last one, was getting his wife pregnant just to keep from having to deal with this."

Barnicle: "Oh God."

Imus: "Uh, who else? Wolfowitz, he'd cry."

Barnicle: "Oh yeah, he'd be shot in the back running away."

Imus: "Yeah, exactly. Yeah, or some of the other key players."

Barnicle: "Richard Perle."

Imus: "Oh, he'd, oh God, he'd, he would soil himself. So–"

Barnicle: "Can't you see him being dragged up by his cap?"

Imus: "Oh yeah."

Barnicle: "Clinging, splinters in his fingernails."

Imus: “A combover of his hanging all down the side of his head.”


Anonymous said...

I have to say I disagree, saddam lived like a monster and ultimately died like a monster. it just so happens that he was also hunted and murdered by same said monster.

Denmark Vesey said...

I feel you Jasai,

But I don't know what to believe about Saddam. They have certainly painted him as a monster - after he no longer became useful.

But more Iraqis have died after Saddam, than before he was illegally removed from power. He said he didn't have WMD's - and they have found none.

If Saddam is a monster, what is Bush?


Anonymous said...

Yeah, he went out G style. I can't fault him for that. He faced it up like a man.

Anonymous said...

He did go out hard! Thats all he had left (although I believe he was alright with that).

Denmark Vesey said...

Death is the ultimate arbiter of truth.

Who you really are is revealed in those moments walking to your death.

A lot of people would have been like:
"Aight aight aight! I'll tell you where I hid the WMD's! I planned 911! I'll tell you where Osama is hiding!!"

Anonymous said...

The so-called enemies of the US are so much more principled and disciplined.

Anonymous said...

"If Saddam is a monster, what is Bush?"

As a lady, those are not words I care to say publicly.