Sunday, January 07, 2007

Iraqization of Somalia?

Is this yet another fake war designed to widen the divide between the West and the Islamic world?

As the international community embarks on a frantic diplomatic quest to extinguish the raging political and sectarian fire in Iraq, remnants of the Neocons led by John Bolton, the US Ambassador to the UN, and the same Think Tank warmongers behind the hype to go to war in Iraq, are busy igniting another one in Somalia.

It turns out the Ethiopian invasion of Somalia, supposedly masterminded by Prime Minister Meles Zenawi of Ethiopia is even less popular in Ethiopia than it is in Somalia.

Who wants this war and why?


Anonymous said...

This is all so incredible. The US bombs black people and nobody black here says a word. . .because they are Muslims.

Denmark Vesey said...

You are right. The American airforce machine guns an African village in a Somalian village, from an AC-130 attack plane, kills dozens, while hoping to get 1 supposed Al Qaeda suspect.

Not a peep from "black leadership".
