Thursday, August 23, 2012

Imagine If The British Colonizers of Australia Told Subsequent Generations Of Aborigines Their Ancestors Weren't Natives of Australia But Had Been "Imported" From Africa

They would be calling themselves "African-Australians" today.

(And have no claim to the land)

The Trans-Atlantic slave trade is a hoax.

Black people are the "Native Americans".


Sharif Ali ☪ ✡ said...

This is The Truth!

And people think having "good hair" is their link to Native American ancestry, lol.

the good nurse said...

the more eye see, the more i see.
changing how a people views themselves is just as challenging as it is important....

Amenta said...


makheru bradley said...

The aboriginal people of Australia know that they were there before Europeans and that their continent was stolen, just like North America. Stolen land, not identity is their issue.

Anonymous said...

DV, you are an idiot!

Anonymous said...

Very interesting assertion

Mister T said...

The absolute truth! You guys, please watch the following video.

CNu said...

Genetic profiling would bear out the truth or falsity of this assertion, quick, fast, and in a hurry.

DeeVee - I'll bet you $10,000 that you can't find a single modern american negroe native (with an american familial lineage going back 6 generations or more) - who possesses the distinctive genotype of a non-west african import, i.e., one of the negrito peoples who dispersed in remote antiquity and populated south and southeast asia the south pacific and australia (cambodians/dravidians/melanesians).

Why make it a matter of faith, when there's easy, accessible, low-cost scientific measures that can quickly adduce the truth or falsity of the claim?

CNu said...

"Ask, and ye shall receive"...,

More Moorish science not being done by Moorish scientists....,

Using the DNA alone, the scientists reconstructed the appearance of the Siberian girl: She had brown eyes and dark hair and skin. Also from genetic information, the scientists pieced together the girl’s pedigree and compared it with modern humans’ and Neanderthals’. The Denisovans contributed genetic material only to present Australian Aborigines and some people in Melanesia, whereas Neanderthals left their mark on everyone outside Africa, Paabo said.

Denmark Vesey said...

"one of the negrito peoples who dispersed in remote antiquity and populated south and southeast asia the south pacific and australia (cambodians/dravidians/melanesians)."

one of the "negrito peoples" ...

... dispersed ...

... says who?

CNu said...

lol, stop playing...,

says the genetic and linguistic dispersion of melanesian people(s) throughout the south pacific.

Brah, they've found the most ancient evidence of these people(s) in Siberia.



read that bit about the genetic isolation of the Denisovans (Melanesians/Aborigines).

Now, the hypothesis of your post (unless my reading comprehension epic failed) is that these are the very same people(s) who were the original inhabitants of the new world, i.e., the so-called Americas.

If so, then,

It'll be a cakewalk for the Moorish scientists to provide genetic proof of this assertion (because these black folk are so distinct muhfuggahs wanna call'em a separate species) - that - proving the validity of your assertions becomes child's play.

No need to traffic in memes and beliefsl, the evidence is all lodged in Genetic Omni Determinism (GOD). I'm calling your bluff homeboy. Show your cards. Is you is or is you ain't ready to put up the standard of proof that would validate of your Moorish science claims?

Denmark Vesey said...

"Now, the hypothesis of your post (unless my reading comprehension epic failed) is that these are the very same people(s) who were the original inhabitants of the new world, i.e., the so-called Americas."

Uh ...



Not at all.

You missed the point of the post like a bus.

CNu said...

The bus said: Imagine If The British Colonizers of Australia Told Subsequent Generations Of Aborigines Their Ancestors Weren't Natives of Australia But Had Been "Imported" From Africa
They would be calling themselves "African-Australians" today.

(And have no claim to the land)

The Trans-Atlantic slave trade is a hoax.

Black people are the "Native Americans".

Which you anchored around pictures of Denisovan/Melanesian Blacks

Passenger Bro. Makheru wrote: The aboriginal people of Australia know that they were there before Europeans and that their continent was stolen, just like North America. Stolen land, not identity is their issue.

Passenger Mr. T introduced the Olmecs via youtube video as evidence of ancient black presence in the Americas.

You strongly imply that a branch of ancient Melanesian blacks are the original inhabitants of America and thereby have a native claim to the land.

Is this correct?