Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Thousands of Ugandans Call KONY 2012 BS • Who Is Behind The KONY Hoax? Was "Save Darfur" Hoax Too? Remember Where You Heard It First • Remember Where You Heard It Best

fist tap brother Ces


Big Mark 243 said...

... but not enough of 'us' are willing to open our eyes because we all tend to sleep when told and do what people want... not to mention to believe what they say...

Denmark Vesey said...

Biiiiiig Mark!

What's up my man?

Don't think enough of 'us' are willing to open our eyes huh?


I don't know.

That's interesting.

But I tell you ... I don't think cats are going to have much of a choice of whether they are going to open their eyes or not in the future.


The truth is blinding.

People are waking up even if they don't want to.

Anonymous said...

Joseph Kony Is A CIA Contractor


Anonymous said...!

Video: Meeting Joseph Kony -- A rare interview with Joseph Kony, leader of the Lord's Resistance Army. Kony would state that he and his men were "freedom fighters," and that, "we are fighting for democracy. We should be free to elect our leader. We want our leader to be elected," as opposed to the current reigning dictator of Uganda, Yoweri Museveni, who has been in power for nearly 3 decades.

- a rare interview with Joseph Kony himself was found. Kony states that his fight is against Ugandan President Museveni, who by any definition is indeed a tyrannical, mass murdering dictator. Kony states that he is actually a "freedom fighter" fighting for "democracy." With talk like that, it is a surprise that the US State Department isn't funding and arming him. Ironically, recent reports indicate that the US may just have been, and that the West was funding and backing both Kony and Museveni to ensure that the entire region remained in constant turmoil. The purpose of this from a geopolitical point-of-view is quite simple, as encapsulated in the following ancient Chinese stratagem:

When a country is beset by internal conflicts, when disease and famine ravage the population, when corruption and crime are rampant, then it will be unable to deal with an outside threat. This is the time to attack.

With US troops already on the ground in Uganda, as well as creeping across Africa under AFRICOM, the attack is already on. Quite clearly further US troop deployments based on invoking renewed interest in Africa and the hunting of various "bogeymen" amidst an atmosphere of general chaos and lawlessness serves only to give the US free reign over the continent and eliminate any and all African leaders who insist on maintaining ties with China and/or their national sovereignty.


makheru bradley said...

The Acholi People react to Kony 2012: Empiricism trumps propaganda

“There are some kind of people… who are trying to mobilize funds using the atrocities committed in Northern Uganda.”

“We wanted to see our people who were killed. So these are all white men. These are feelings different from Northern Uganda.”

Conscience primary sources always give the best analysis.

Ces said...

Hello DV and friends:
Just dropping a link in addition to the "Kony2012 is BS" videos.

In reference to 'Us' opening our eyes, we have no choice. I think it is soon coming to the point where everyone will have to make a choice to either eat or be eaten.

This pal breaks it down straight to the point.

makheru bradley said...

I see that George Clooney, Martin King III, and Ben Jealous were arrested protesting the al-Bashir government of Sudan.

That makes we wonder where have Martin King III, Ben Jealous, and all of the Black celebrities who jumped on the Kony 2012 imperialist intervention bandwagon been while the Libyan version of the KKK has been lynching, raping, terrorizing, and torturing the Black people of Libya?