Sunday, January 15, 2012

How Black People Were Turned Into Plantation Negros • DV University • Spring 2012


Amenta said...

Excellent explaination of our reality.

CNu said...

Actually, it's a turrible "explanation" of your reality.

The government as "tax collector" is NOT the instrumentality of your enslavement.

"Money" - as the medium of exchange is the instrumentality of your enslavement, and Equitable Trust holders - as the owners of everything that you survey - are the perpetrators of your enslavement.

The "government" is just so many unfortunate peasant employees...,

It is revealing, however, concerning the underlying nature and aims of the canadian libertarian/lew rockwell/birch society source from whence all this material and Ron Paul's material emanates.

Denmark Vesey said...

"The government as "tax collector" is NOT the instrumentality of your enslavement." CNu


Food is the instrument of Plantation Negro enslavement.


but ultimately "the government" is where Plantation Negros get their diets anyway.

The canadian libertarian/lew rockwell/birch society needs to step their game up.

CNu said...

but ultimately "the government" is where Plantation Negros get their diets anyway.

lol, you caught yourself for a change, or, caught how your hyperbole backed you into an indefensible rhetorical corner...,

But that's not the point.

The government IS NOT where Plantation Negroes get their diets.

The Stoh is where Plantation Negroes get their diets.

Plantation Negroes, like Plantation Crackas, go to the Stoh in search of what TeeVee tells them is easy, convenient, and tastes great!

Plantation Negroe diets are defined by memes.

Plantation Negroe diets are defined by laziness and ease.

The easiest part of the Plantation Negroe diet is the meme of money or EBT.

If Plantation Negroes could no longer use the easy means of exchange to get at the easy food programmed into their minds by the easy TeeVee in the easily accessed Stoh, then...,

But that would mean that Plantation Negroes would need to acquire equity in the cultivation of their own food.

Luckily, it's no longer necessary to own and control the land in order to own and control the means of agricultural production.

Podponics and GrowPower show the way for Plantation Negroes to acquire equity in their diets, the means of exchange used to acquire those diets, and knowledge, skill, ability and control over every aspect of their own food security.

Anything less than this, is merely conversation....,

Denmark Vesey said...

"Plantation Negroes, like Plantation Crackas, go to the Stoh in search of what TeeVee tells them is easy, convenient, and tastes great"


That's cute CNu.

You say that as if you still believe there exists a difference between "the government" and the "TeeVee".

The TeeVee ... is ... the government, CNu.

The "Stoh" ... is the government.

Walmart ... IZ ... the government.

Monsanto ... IZZZZ .. the government.

Pfizer ... is ... the government.

Goldman Sachs ... is .. the government.

Yeah Nu.

You got to give up that Technocratic fantasy of the 'Benevolent Bureaucracy'.

Not a good look.

It's as played out as carbon tax schemes, Peak Oil myths and Global Warming hoaxes.

CNu said...

You got to give up that Technocratic fantasy of the 'Benevolent Bureaucracy'.

Why the continuing misdirection?

Do you seriously propose to dispute any of these assertions?

Plantation Negroes need to acquire equity in the cultivation of their own food.

It's no longer necessary to own and control the land in order to own and control the means of agricultural production.

Podponics and GrowPower show the way for Plantation Negroes to acquire equity in their diets, the means of exchange used to acquire those diets, and knowledge, skill, ability and control over every aspect of their own food security.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Plantation Negroes need to acquire equity in the cultivation of their own food." CNu


Plantation Negros don't even know what or how to eat yet.

"Acquiring equitin in the cultivation' is .... just ... talk.

"It's no longer necessary to own and control the land in order to own and control the means of agricultural production." CNu

More Techno-babble.

Plantation Negros don't have an "agricultural production" problem.

Plantation Negros have a cognition production problem.

They don't know how to think.

Largely because of their diets.

Their diets can change ... looooooooooong before they "control the means of agricultural production".

"Podponics and GrowPower show the way for Plantation Negroes to acquire equity in their diets, the means of exchange used to acquire those diets, and knowledge, skill, ability and control over every aspect of their own food security." CNu

Another Technocratic nonevent that puts cats to sleep.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad had it right 45 years ago when he wrote "How To Eat To Live".

Once Black people begin to eat right, they will think right. When they think right, they will do the right thing.

Everything else is talk.

As long as negros feast on factory meat, sugar and genetically modified starch ... all the "Podponic" and "GrowPower" green schemes in the world are nothing more than technocratic nonevents that promise to do for people ... what people must do for themselves.

Black folks don't need pods.

They need more

CNu said...

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad had it right 45 years ago when he wrote "How To Eat To Live".

Once Black people begin to eat right, they will think right. When they think right, they will do the right thing.

Well go head on then Bro. Beanpie!

But help me out here.

Don't you advocate the mass consumption of Kale? I seem to recall wilted Kale salads, Kale smoothies, etc...,

The Hon. Elijah Muhammad didn't care for quite a few of the Blackest Man's Whole Foods diet that you advocate hereabouts.

Matter fact, the Hon. Elijah Muhammad had what could best be described as a kind of obsessive compulsive set of notions expressing his own personal likes and disklikes that he then wanted imposed on others, as a means of assuring their mental orthodoxy and compliance with his dictates, rather than any kind of objectively valid, mind-freeing food for thought.

CNu said...

CNu on food security; Plantation Negroes need to acquire equity in the cultivation of their own food.

Hon. Elijah Muhammad on food security; For good health, we should raise and prepare our own food. As I said in this book, the white race is a commercializing race by nature. It is the almighty dollar they are after, not long life.

Denmark Vesey on food security; They need more

Denmark Vesey said...

"Don't you advocate the mass consumption of Kale? I seem to recall wilted Kale salads, Kale smoothies, etc...," CNu




Um um.

I don't "advocate" anything for "the masses".

Advocation of shit for the masses is an impulse of the Technocratically inclined.

I do what I do.

If it works for me ... that speaks for itself.

I don't trust people who sell shit that hasn't changed their own lives.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad had a more positive impact on the health of Black people in America than every black Plantation MD combined.

CNu said...

Advocation of shit for the masses is an impulse of the Technocratically inclined.

Advocation of shit for the masses is how human livestock management is done.

You purport to want to free the livestock from its parasitically owned and controlled status?

I don't "advocate" anything for "the masses".

Yet you the one ALWAYS poppin game about memes and memetics?


Stop fussing for the sake of fussing.

That's how you inevitably get caught up in the hot mess of contradictions, errors, and omissions that make you out an egocentric gasbag instead of someone trying to make sense.

You always addressing yourself to the Plantation Negroe masses.

And the Hon. Elijah Muhammad was surely addressing himself to the Plantation Negroe masses.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad had a more positive impact on the health of Black people in America than every black Plantation MD combined.

Then you should stop flatly contradicting the teachings of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad.

Denmark Vesey said...

"You purport to want to free the livestock from its parasitically owned and controlled status?" CNu

Wrong again Festas.

DV aint tryin' to free no livestock.

Slaves need to serve.

Ho's don't need to be housewives.

If a muhfuggah want to eat brain numbing poisons, that make him stupid, broke and fat. Let him.

Can't say he didn't know though ...

Anyway. Ease up Nu. You tryin' too hard again.

Been nice to your ass for 5 minutes and you done slipped back to Spring 2010 again.

Denmark Vesey is school for you. You've been attending since 2007.

You like it here. You learning. Your paradigms are changing.

Stop pretending to argue just to save face.

Anonymous said...

thanks for this video dv much of your craziness is explained by this. I get you now