Tuesday, November 01, 2011

If You Think The KKK Is More Of A Threat To Black People Than The Federal Reserve ... You Might Be A Plantation Negro

cadeveo said...
I concur with Makheru. Gotta say when you post something like this it makes every single time CNU accused you of being a crypto-Laroucher seem pretty damned plausible. 
Also sounds like that tired Farrakhan schtick: "Now, I'm not anti-semitic, but..." Sorry, this anti-Jewish propaganda you're hawking right now doesn't really solve anything. It is, in itself, as Hegelian a headfake as anything else. You, like McCallister have the free speech to espouse whatever warmed over Jewish conspiracy talk you want, but it's just flatout unconstructive sideshow talk.
And big-upping David Duke isn't somehow edgy, transgressive or revolutionary, it just sounds to me like wrongheaded, ignornant white noise (pun intended).
djclownface said... 
^ Lol, who's causing more catastrophic damage to all populations of the US right now - 

KKK bogeyman, Farrakhan or the Jewish oligarchy? 

Who runs our mass media, politics, foreign policy, finance? 

KKK, Farrakhan or Jews? 

Who has bankrupted this country financially and morally?

KKK, Farrakhan or Jews?

Who drove our genocidal, imperialistic invasions of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya & next Iran?

KKK, Farrakhan or Jews?
If you cannot factually refute the facts, can you instead discredit them by rebranding "truth" as "hate?"
Denmark Vesey said ...
Damn Clown Face. 

You bust the proverbial nail, upside its big head.  

These Plantation Negros are conditioned to focus on irrelevant nostalgic boogeymen of yesteryear.  They cannot see very real and immediate dangers right in front of their faces today because they are trained to expect danger in cliched packages like the "KKK" or "White Supremacists".

For example ... more black people will be harmed this year while bobsledding ... than will be harmed by the KKK.

Yet, countless black American men women and children will be harmed by money manipulators and corporate dictators who control nearly every aspect of their lives.  The equity in their homes will be stolen, the value of their dollars will continue to vanish, the national treasury will be squandered, their sons will be trapped in For-Profit prions, their food supply poisoned, their sovereignty forfeited, their school system corrupted and they will continue to be entangled in wars by a group of Satanic psychopaths, some of whom claim to be Jews ... but are not. 

Silly cowards.  Negros are comfortable bashing the KKK and "White Supremacists" because that is their comfort zone of dissent.  Those cliches are "pre-approved" enemies of Black people.  It's like a Negro talking shit about Republicans.  So What?  That's who they want Negros worried about.  

Stepping to David Duke is easy.  Calling out Ben Bernake scares the shit out of handkerchief head Jigaboos who dare not get out of place.


djclownface said...

Yes, reality check here.

KKK might burn a cross on your lawn. ...rarely today.

But who will foreclose your damn home and extract all the wealth out of your country, while sending your boys off to fight their racist wars for them???

And then still manage to convince you that they are the persecuted chosen ones? While shifting all the paranoia to wayyy overhyped KKK & Arab "terrorists?"

Lol. You have to admit when a fiery Black activist icon and his White nationalist counterpart BOTH agree on the same thing - there jusssstttt might be something to it.

Seven Half Store said...


So let me get this straight:

1. "more black people will be harmed this year while bobsledding ... than will be harmed by the KKK." (LMAO)

2. The KKK and Republicans are "pre-approved Black enemies"

3. Even Stacy Adam's wearing Negros are afraid to call out Ben Bernanke..

Lol....ya'll got me all hot and bothered with this one!

Anonymous said...

you have to admit

That jiggaboos are ignant and easily hoodwinked and bambozled by geostrategically ignorant conspiracy theories?

No argument there!

Anyone not recognizing the unenviable and absolutely doomed size x survival condition of the israeli garrison state is just plain stoopid. A kumqwat could do a better job of picking a spot to squat in than Palestine.

Given that there's no profit to be gotten from any of you - the fact of the matter is that you've all become expendable and must be liquidated soon.

Anonymous said...

"Calling out Ben Bernake scares the shit out of handkerchief head Jigaboos who dare not get out of place."

I agree... DV. What's you're real name again, oh courageous one?

cadeveo said...

Whose afraid to call out Ben Bernake? What is this, 2008? Who hasn't been calling that man out, other than the puppet in chief and the paid hacks that compose the mainstream punditry? Is the salient point that he is a well-connected, corrupt financier who is linked incestuously with a very small and powerful network of global old money families and financiers? Or is the important point that "he's a scary Jooooo!"
It's not "The Jews" any more than it's "The Jesuits" or "The Hapsburgs" or the "Rothchilds".

Can't argue with the fact that more people will have their lives destroyed by bankers than by the KKK. But is the important point that *some* of these bankers are "Joooos!" (even though others are Protestant and Catholic and even Muslim) or that the elites are secretive, interconnected, amoral at best, if not outright murderous, and exploitative?

Is it even true that *most* are Jews? Or that even the most powerful bankers happen to be of that ethnic faith?
I'm not worried about Farakhan and I'm not worried about LaRouche. Matter of fact, I like the balls both of those guys have, and they both are intelligent and pretty decent forecasters of events. They have their own private intelligence networks that on occasion tell things as they *really* are or, at least expose information being suppressed by other, bigger players in the Global Con. I've even enjoyed quite a few of each of these guy's speeches and analyses over the years. That doesn't mean they're not both ALSO batshit crazy megolomaniacs. In the case of LaRouche, I know this from firsthand experience. Neither of these guys is above dirty tricks, grimey and corrupt operations, and yep...they are both antisemitic, despite their protests to the contrary. They are both the Master of their own self-made Plantations and while very intelligent and survival-saavy, have their own less than trustworthy agendas which are quite different from their organizations' own PR. But scared of them? Nah.
If you think that David Duke and Farrakhan and Farrakhan agreeing on something means "there must be *something* there [i.e. truth]" in their veiled and not-so-veiled Jew-baiting, then you ain't really getting it. What it *means* is that they have a temporary strategic alliance based on shared goals--consolidating more power and wiping out more competition (er, "enemies"): no different than when Uncle Sam teamed up with Al Qaeda recently to take out Qadaffi.

cadeveo said...

"Should say David Duke and Farrakhan and Larouche" above

Anonymous said...

cadeveo can you please explain what you mean by ethnic faith?

pondering that oxymoron should help you understand why it is important to identify the so called jewish element.

makheru bradley said...

I agree... DV. What's you're real name again, oh courageous one?—Anon

Forget it Anon. He’s scared as hell.

Of course everyone knows that the real titan of American finance capital—J.P. Morgan (a devout Episcopalian) and his partner in crime John D. Rockefeller (a devout Baptist) were just pawns of the Rothschild’s.


The reality is, as Malcolm said, “they’re all playing the same game” as proven by Bush, Bernanke, Paulson, and Geithner on 9/15.

Hot Wax said...

I love this . This magic shit does work.

Mugga fuggas looking for Keyser Söze and or Sam Gold at every turn and arguing with each other about him. :)

Bruhs, T-Daddy is right, these self annihilation Rh negative "mules" only got one plan. They created the 3 abrahamic religions that are currently battling , Venus-Friday-Islam, Saturn-Saturday-Jews, Sun-Sunday-Christians. venus is ISis, the sun is amen RA and saturn is EL. Nice.........., creating the great state of ISRAEL(F-ING JEWS) that the world is so mad at and set up to wipe out (getting rid of all 3 religions when it happens). Then we will move to our new world order with only a secular religion(New Age Re-encarnation bullshit) and that sorry king arthur mother fucker name Price William (who we will beg to rule us after we all go broke) starts gaming us with more Druidic bastards, cain's spawn bullshit. YEAH DV MAGIC.

Don't get me wrong, THE JEWS are everything and did everything that DJ clownface have stated(That was the plan-we are suppose to want to kill them), but they are no more than an uglier Joe Frazier and still Don King's bitch in the context of the endgame. It was always part of the plan-MAGIC.

See Sir Francis Bacon- The new Atlantis. Chess. Pure Chess. Sam Gold for President.

djclownface said...

Well if you wanna go that deep. Yes, Jews still report to their reptilian high command.

At some point, geopolitix transitions to exopolitix.

I never said Jews were at the top of the pyramid. In fact, the point of a pyramid is that its top point is infinite with no absolute end. There is a top 1% of the top 1% of the top 1%... There is no top dog or Don King. Ot it is ultimately all Don King.

Can you hear me now??

Ibrahim said...

^ brilliant

Anonymous said...

Silly-ass jiggaboos
Mystified by high IQ's
Stuporstitious nigganews
Cain't see why
They bound to lose
Ignant shit
They bound to choose
They get to cruise
Cause niggas cain't
De-Cipher clues