Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Global System of Black Supremacy • Floyd Mayweather Is The Smartest Man In Sports • How He's Used Memes To Grow A $20 Million Fight Into a $100 Million Ass Whippin'

Floyd Mayweather is about to get paid $100 Million to whip a man's ass who does not stand a chance against him.  An average ol' college educated Plantation Negro would have taken the fight at $20 Million.


Constructive Feedback said...

Brother DV -

Have you ever thought about how "Brother Mayweather" might be able to use the fortune that he is blessed to have during these times of mass struggle to GROW THE WEALTH within his community?

Notice I did not say "Spread The Wealth" in the "Social Justilistic" perspective.

I am saying that Mayweather is surely in the catbird seat as he (and other multimillionaire entertainers) have untold millions all the while the Black community is starved from DE-PLOYMENT of our people - provided with a PLATFORM upon which they can apply their talents for a productive end - that the capital providers such as Mayweather gets to benefit from.

With the multiplier effect in place - some of his millions translated into productivity among more people - he can lay claim to more ORGANIC UPLIFT than Obama can itemize in that he used PRIVATE CAPITAL rather than REDISTRIBUTION OF GOVERNMENT RESOURCES - to achieve that oft talked about but rarely seen "Organic Development Within The Black Community".

mrsassy said...

Why don't Blacks start their own banks and lend to ourselves? Become our own job creators?

Yea right, that will never happen. Just keep complaining about Wall Street Jews while we immediately blow any paper we do stack up on strip clubs and rims.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Have you ever thought about how "Brother Mayweather" might be able to use the fortune that he is blessed to have during these times of mass struggle to GROW THE WEALTH within his community?" CF

r i d i c u l o u s

grow wealth inside of WHAT community?

I've been telling you for years Feedback ... THERE IS NO SUCH THING as a black "community".

It is just a word Negros use out of habit.

To be a "community" you must CO•MUNE.

We do not CO•MUNE.

There is no such thing as a MASS solution.

Life doesn't work that way.

Some of us will make it.

Some of us won't.

Those who still eat pork have less of a chance of making it than those who don't.

That's my contribution.

Getting Negros to eat right will do more for black people than 1,000,000 Affirmative Action programs or government subsidized loans.

Against the nwo said...

you need to check out this vid and put it up on your site, DVC.

baby boo said...

Well, JMM stepped on Manny's foot to trap him nearly 20 times:

Anonymous said...

Break the Silence!