Sunday, August 28, 2011

Gaddafi Did More For Black Africa Than All Of The Black African Plantation Negro Globalist Ass Kissin' 'Presidents' Combined

The fact that Barack Obama allowed the NWO to destroy this man and this nation on his watch is the Ultimate Plantation Negro betrayal.


Anonymous said...

Pure politician. He's simply not willing to fight for his publicized podium principles or the campaign was all standard bs rhetoric from the beginning.

At one point the only policy adjustment I was anxious to see his administration take on was public education. I thought he'd play ball a little during the 1st term then show a spine in the 2nd because there's less to lose. Now I have VERY low expectations for his 2nd term and to be honest he might be the biggest hoax since Y2K.


Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]Barack Obama allowed the NWO to destroy this man and this nation on his watch is the Ultimate Plantation Negro betrayal.[/quote]

Why do you all keep assuming that Obama is an OUTSIDER to the NWO who needs to fight it?


If there is a force that is WATCHING US (besides the Koreans seeking a new place to set up their business in our community) they now see that if you want to have Black people stop opposing the antics of the American Imperialist Machine.............put a Commander In Chief into power which the Black community seeks to PROTECT more than they care to remain consistent and then PROBLEM SOLVED. Checkmate.

Who would have thought that we would live to see an American lead bombing campaign on Africa and muted protests by the Black Intelligentsia?

makheru bradley said...

This is what psychopaths do.

nossir said...

Allowed? He IS a card-carrying member of the NWO!

The Doc said...

Especially when you consider Qaddafi's calls to shake off the IMF and their economic hitmen who've been keeping African nations in untenable debt for perpetuity, and form their own Bank of Africa, as well as his support of the formation of a United States of Africa with their own currency and constitution.

Qaddafi was such a boon for Africa i'm surprised brothers from all over that piece didn't (and still don't) converge on Libya and forcefully eject those damned outside imperialist invaders. Anyone who's got a claim to even a shred of black blood should be outright infuriated by what Obama and his corporate masters have done.