Tuesday, April 19, 2011

And Den Whut Ya Wan Me Tuh Do Bahhs?


Constructive Feedback said...

NOT COOL at all DV!!!!

You have been marked down several notches from the "Blackest Man On The Internet"!!!!

OBAMA is 100% EQUAL!!!!
Repeat after me!!!

Instead of having him as a mimeograph of BUSH - how about considering the possibility that some of the PAINT that folks painted on that BLANK CANVAS was THEIR DREAMS rather than Obama's vision as the man in the hot seat?

Richmond Muhammad said...

The white boy on the left must have seen the same tanning salon that John Boenhner has.

Denmark Vesey said...

I'm sorry Con Fed.

I couldn't hear ya brah.

Hard to make out what you are saying above the noise of those Tomahawk missiles, authorized by Obama without Congressional consent, slamming into Libya.

Mainkaracter said...

Yeah but Equal was the key word

John Wayne Thompson said...

OBAMA is 100% EQUAL!!!!

equal to WHAT????

Main said...

Equal to all presidents begore him and those who proceed him

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]Hard to make out what you are saying above the noise of those Tomahawk missiles, authorized by Obama without Congressional consent, slamming into Libya.[/quote]

Brother DV:


Obama is not "Following Bush". Nor does he TALK LIKE what your title indicates.

He is sitting in the seat of IMPERIALIST POWER, having previously decided that he would do the REVERSE OF KING:

Prioritize the DOMESTIC ENTITLEMENTS, not allowing the prioritization in consciousness against FOREIGN WARS to derail the effort.

No hatred bro.
Just don't think that the Ebonics was cool.