Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Why Is This Young Brother In Jail? What "Crime" Did He Commit? Black People Have Become Accustomed To Watching Our Young Men Fed Into The Prison Industrial Complex Without Cause - Because We Have Become A Nation of Punk Ass Haters

In his statement, T.I. -- who's in the first month of an 11-month sentence -- says, "I don' t know what effect this will have on my life moving forward but I'm certainly sick and mother fucking tired of going to jail, juve, prison, the pen, correctional facilities or whatever else you want to call it."

He adds, "I'd have been better off doing a 5-10 year bid one time than going in time and time again for days, weeks and months for the last 15 years of my life."

Even though it's been a long road, I'm still standing, barely but nevertheless still standing. At one time I thought my motivation for continuing was for my fans, my partna Philant, my pops, my grandmama, even for the haters or the people I let down. But nah... I got to do this shit for me!!! I'll be God damned if I've come all this way and made it through so much hell to let it go down like this! F*ck that! If an hour in the dark is worth a second in the sun then pass me my mother f*ckin' shades cause I'm ready to cash my darkest hours in...ASAP!!!

A lot of folks had fathers or father figures in the house to raise them into manhood. I'm not trying to make any excuses for my situation but my father was a hustler that lived in New York. My uncle was a local big time dope boy turned 10 year federal inmate.

 My mother and grandparents did the best they could but I found my manhood in the trap and in prison systems. But I found it. And nan one of mine will ever have to feel the cold tight grip of a handcuff or grace the presence of a jail cell if I can help it.

Over my dead body!

So if you can't respect that you ain't rocking with my movement then Fuck you dog! I know a bunch of mother f*ckers who are.....

- Love KING"


Carl said...

Am I missing something? I was under the impression that he went to jail for repeatedly breaking the law. I know his last offense involved trying to buy machine guns with silencers; which is illegal for anyone. But it’s extra illegal for a convicted felon, which he is.

Cash Rulz said...

Tell him to watch this.

Denmark Vesey said...

Hello Carl.

Good question.

And yes. You did miss something:

Did he go to jail for repeatedly breaking the law?


On what you consider "Law".

Which is generally a function of your status.

Sovereign citizens believe U.S. citizens fall into 2 camps: "Fourteenth Amendment citizens" (who are subject to the federal and state laws and taxes) and "sovereign citizens", who are subject only to common law or "constitutional law", but are not bound to obey statutory law.

Plantation Negros ... quite literally ... are 14th Amendment citizens.

Which are not citizens at all.

They are actually corporate wards.


Back to TI.

He didn't break any laws.

He violated corporate statute.

His last offense had nothing to do with guns.

His last offense was drug possession.

He was pulled over and the police found marijuana, prescription drugs and MDMA.

He's got a drug problem.

He didn't commit a "crime".

He violated a statute.

If that was a crime 70% of US adults should be in prison.

The original crime involved guns and entrapment.

The police invested thousands of dollars and employed informants to lure the brother into purchasing guns.

Which ... according to the Constitution FOR The United States of America ... he has a write to purchase and own.

Again. He didn't commit a crime.

He violated a corporate statute.

Personally, I have a hard time considering anything a crime that doesn't have a victim.

Americans have become a nation of people who routinely tolerate nonsensical incarcerations.

Watching it happen to cats like this without comment, invites it to happen to the rest of us.

Cash Rulz said...

A crime is when you get caught breaking a statute.

His ass got caught. LOL

I say stop legislating morality and stop over populating jails.

Denmark Vesey said...

I hear you RJ.

Can't argue with you man.

Some people certainly do see it that way.

I call those people slaves.

A man deserves what he accepts.

Cash Rulz said...

"A man deserves what he accepts."


RJEsq said...

All this is well and good but what is he gonna say about the incident that recently landed him in solitary and got Tiny kicked out the prison. With all due respect, on this day, I ain't really interested in anything but some lighthearted tabloid type shit. I'm just saying...


Denmark Vesey said...




A handjob from his wife.

If that's a crime ... well.


Lock my ass up.

Pink said...

LOL Tiny is a rider. It's so annoying that so many ppl are critical of her looks and question why he's with her but if making sure her man gets off while locked up doesn't prove she has his back, I don't know what will.