Tuesday, January 04, 2011

The Plantation Deconstructed • A Better Education In 13 Minutes Than You Received In 13 Years of Plantation Schooling • DV University • Spring 2011


Cash Rulz said...

Can I get an alternative? This is great at saying what is wrong with society, but offers no solution.

Wake up and do what? Acknowledging the problem is not solving it.

Denmark Vesey said...

Just because you don't see a solution, what makes you think there is none there?

Cash Rulz said...

I didn't say there isn't one. Just saying that this video exposes the obvious wrongs with most political structures. However, it does not say what people can/should do to counteract that.

I am of the belief that no matter what happens there will always be a power structure in place because some people are made to lead and most are made to follow. Even if we had an E.L.E. and started society fresh, all it would take is one power-hungry, yet persuasive individual to take control of a mass of others.

The greatest flaw with people is that people are flawed.

Denmark Vesey said...

I see a solution:

The only cages that can contain people are the cages they cannot see.

This video shows you the cage.

That's 90% of the solution.

Take it from there.

Cash Rulz said...

That's the first step of many toward correcting a problem that has existed since the beginning of civilization. Humankinds innate nature to dominate.

I'm with you on seeing the cage, and applaud that you expose it. I believe that's the issue with a good portion of society. However, humans can never maintain a political or social stasis for a period of time because we are too flawed to except it.

"A person is smart, people are stupid."

HotmfWax said...

I have submitted may of Stefbot's stuff before. He has an affinity for 1984 the book and the movie. (the clips and the end were the from 1984.)

If you get the esoteric and the metaphysical meaning of 1984 then you will also know the major theme of the book was Room 101 (you, your mind, and its ego as the true cause of your enslavement.)

For those of you who really want the solution, read the following and know that you will not like the solution and will not like the pain in the exposure of our dirty little truth.


"' The antithesis of the love of life is not hatred but indifference, anomie, blank-faced apathy, the lifeless pursuit of death. And that, I say, is a public response to a very private fear, the fear kept locked away in Room 101--the fear of life, of risk, of failure.

And the opposite of one's greatest fear, I think, is one's deepest desire.

This really happened: an outrageous evil was done to a very bright child.

The child asked later, in essence, "How can you explain this incomprehensible act?" And the answer was: "Sometimes we do what we fear."

This is a form of the argument that we become what we despise, a piece of psychopatois of the Marxo-Hegelian variety.

I hate the statement and I hate the argument and I hate the depths of self-destruction that must be plumbed to arrive at such a horrid opinion of one's own soul, and, truly, I cringe in revulsion whenever I think about any of this.

But I must think about it. I won't cower in Room 101 and hide from life. The deed was done and the words were said, and the challenge for the mind is to discover why.

Here's a dirty little secret: we like to think in terms of "us" and "them", but in reality there isn't any "them". We want "them" to be distinct from "us" in every way we can imagine, but the truth is that they are just like us, right down to the last tooth and toenail.

I am what you are and you are what I am, and if we draw any distinctions, they are meaningless if they originate in nature and arbitrary if they originate in volition. When we speak so lovingly of "us", we aggrandize ourselves by excoriating "them". We are celebrating not so much our virtues as their vices, in which they are gracious enough to persist.

And here's another dirty little secret: I have a fair idea what goes on inside your mind.

Scary, isn't it? We know that the ego can never be invaded, can never be groped at and pawed by the hands of strangers. Our elemental privacy is our secret solace: we risk only what we make manifest in our words and our deeds.

That which we leave unspoken, undone, unventured, unexposed--the treasure we keep locked away in the jewelry box of the mind--is forevermore safe.

And yet nothing is hidden, really, for you are no different from me. I know in a general sort of way what's in your mind because I know what's in mine. And I know that not everything locked away up there is a treasure...

"I resonate in the quiet recesses of your mind, And Yet I Am Sound, a thing made undeniably real in your spirit...

I am not asking you to bare yourself, I am stripping you unasked.

For the question arose later, "If they do what they fear, then why don't they just kill themselves? Don't they fear death the most?"

And the answer is very unsettling:

Worse than death they fear exposure."


HotmfWax said...

I have submitted may of Stefbot's stuff before. He has an affinity for 1984 the book and the movie. (the clips and the end were the from 1984.)

If you get the esoteric and the metaphysical meaning of 1984 then you will also know the major theme of the book was Room 101 (you, your mind, and its ego as the true cause of your enslavement.)

For those of you who really want the solution, read the following and know that you will not like the solution and will not like the pain in the exposure of our dirty little truth.


"' The antithesis of the love of life is not hatred but indifference, anomie, blank-faced apathy, the lifeless pursuit of death. And that, I say, is a public response to a very private fear, the fear kept locked away in Room 101--the fear of life, of risk, of failure.

And the opposite of one's greatest fear, I think, is one's deepest desire.

This really happened: an outrageous evil was done to a very bright child.

The child asked later, in essence, "How can you explain this incomprehensible act?" And the answer was: "Sometimes we do what we fear."

This is a form of the argument that we become what we despise, a piece of psychopatois of the Marxo-Hegelian variety.

I hate the statement and I hate the argument and I hate the depths of self-destruction that must be plumbed to arrive at such a horrid opinion of one's own soul, and, truly, I cringe in revulsion whenever I think about any of this.

But I must think about it. I won't cower in Room 101 and hide from life. The deed was done and the words were said, and the challenge for the mind is to discover why.

Here's a dirty little secret: we like to think in terms of "us" and "them", but in reality there isn't any "them". We want "them" to be distinct from "us" in every way we can imagine, but the truth is that they are just like us, right down to the last tooth and toenail.

I am what you are and you are what I am, and if we draw any distinctions, they are meaningless if they originate in nature and arbitrary if they originate in volition. When we speak so lovingly of "us", we aggrandize ourselves by excoriating "them". We are celebrating not so much our virtues as their vices, in which they are gracious enough to persist.

And here's another dirty little secret: I have a fair idea what goes on inside your mind.

Scary, isn't it? We know that the ego can never be invaded, can never be groped at and pawed by the hands of strangers. Our elemental privacy is our secret solace: we risk only what we make manifest in our words and our deeds.

That which we leave unspoken, undone, unventured, unexposed--the treasure we keep locked away in the jewelry box of the mind--is forevermore safe.

And yet nothing is hidden, really, for you are no different from me. I know in a general sort of way what's in your mind because I know what's in mine. And I know that not everything locked away up there is a treasure...

"I resonate in the quiet recesses of your mind, And Yet I Am Sound, a thing made undeniably real in your spirit...

I am not asking you to bare yourself, I am stripping you unasked.

For the question arose later, "If they do what they fear, then why don't they just kill themselves? Don't they fear death the most?"

And the answer is very unsettling:

Worse than death they fear exposure."


HotmfWax said...


Man is the only animal capable of comprehending what his life requires, and he is the only animal capable of failing to do what his life requires.

Not fundamentally, of course, since we would perish at once if we refused to act for survival. But we scamper out a secret little soft-shoe in the the quiet of the mind: we can escape the necessity of pursuing our deepest desire, we can file the serial numbers off mere self-esteem and pretend to the world that our behavior expresses the love of life. But there is someone who knows the truth, isn't there? Even in solitude, there is a witness to every human action, a witness who is unimpeachable: oneself. Lying to others is something we do to pretend to ourselves that we are justified in lying to ourselves.

And recall, the answer was: "Worse than death they fear exposure".

makheru bradley said...

Wake Up Everybody!


Of course being old school, that rendition conjured up memories of Theodore.
