Saturday, January 01, 2011


Illmath said...

Tried to give Farrakhan 4 billy...

Constructive Feedback said...

Brother DV:

A few weeks ago there were a string of reports detailing how "your boy" in Libya as been rounding up immigrants from African nations to the south of his as they trekked through his nation on their way to Europe.

These Black Africans were held in mass detention centers in large, open cells. There were claims of abuse.

Libya agreed to work in cahoots with several European nations as they attempted to stem the flow of Africans into Europe.

While I support the need to enforce one's own borders (a la the issue here in America) - there is silence from those who support "open borders social justice" in regards to Libya's actions.

Denmark Vesey said...

No. He made a loan to the Nation of $5 Million.

May or may not have been forgiven.

Much like the loans we make to Israel.

They are eventually forgiven. Just become gifts.

Of course the urban meme has deteriorated to the intellectually lazy "he gave Farrakhan $4 Billion".

I met the cat.

I think he's even been through the blog a few times.

Denmark Vesey said...

"A few weeks ago there were a string of reports detailing how "your boy" in Libya as been rounding up immigrants from African nations to the south of his as they " CF

There were reports huh?

I bet.

There's always "reports" CF.

They are all memes.

Each has an agenda.

Of all the things about Libya, Africa and Gaddafi that are interest ... the one that reaches your ear is one where the Arab Muslim is a villain and the Black Africans as victims.



Overly simplistic.

makheru bradley said...

The Colonel knows how to roll.

Constructive Feedback said...


Check out the last video on the list.

Then check out the other videos on the list:

Denmark Vesey said...

Watched the flicks CF.

Peeped the article.

How is Libya any more harsh on illegal immigrants than is the United States?

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]How is Libya any more harsh on illegal immigrants than is the United States?[/quote]

I thought that the USA was "founded on slavery" and thus this is to be expected of the "Great Satan"?

Libya - on the other hand is the 'hearth oven' of Afro-centric consciousness.

Why does the fact that there are others "in the mud with the USA" cause you to be comforted with the company? Shouldn't there be higher expectations on "The Motherland" - Where we were kings?

Denmark Vesey said...

I don't know what version of history you are working with brother CF.

Africa has a history of slavery no less vibrant and vile than North America.

All poor dispossessed people, be they black, brown, white, Asian, African, American or European are going to experience brutality.

Instead of spending our energy and hosting unrealistic "expectations" that dispossessed immigrants will sit in the lap of luxury during their refugee experience ....

we should work to prevent them from being dispossessed in the first place.

Neocolonialism does to poor African nations what it did to Detroit.

It makes them unlivable.