Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Alan Keys Is The Blackest Man On The Planet


Anonymous said...

Alan "Muthafukkin' Uncle Ruckus" Keyes

Keyes/Palin 2012 (but of course he'd shuffle aside for da nice white ladee).

Anonymous said...

Step N Fetch It coons vote with emotions because they don't have enough brains to discern issues.

bobshenix said...

I love this guy... US chose the wrong black man. Instead we got one who makes idealistic promises he cannot and will not keep.

Anonymous said...


The Author said...

Absolutely not! I do not know if the US chose the wrong black man. What I know is the US refused to elect a black man who was CERTAINLY WRONG!

makheru bradley said...

Reading this blog back in November 2008, the High Priest would have had us believe that America had elected God's Son. Now that's being called into question. Is this your way of admitting that you got played like a drum?

Anonymous said...

Nana, when you go to the store and all the fruit is spoiled in the produce department, you don't select the LEAST spoiled fruit. You may possibly search for an alternative outside of that store.

DMG said...

The funny thing about this (second) video you put up is that Alan Keyes is not only fully invested in the Republican Party, but he jumped like an absolute bitch when the GOP bosses told him to run against Obama as a last minute replacement in the Illlinois Senate race in 2004. I don't know why he's ranting on and on against the two party system.

The man uprooted himself and ran to Illinois, as though voters would be distracted by TWO black faces on the ticket.

Of the two major black faces on the GOP side of the aisle, I'm not sure which one acts like more of a loyal dog, Keyes or Steele.

He rants on and on about communism like it's 1950. Maybe he'd be more comfortable in that decade...

Denmark Vesey said...


Bra. You really should read a bit more.

I suggest you delve into the research of Niki Raapana:

Your little Plantation school understanding of communism is outdated.

DMG said...

Alan Keyes talking about communism is an attempt at obfuscation and distraction. Because "everybody is afraid of Communists". If there ever was any "conditioning" going on in this country fearing and loathing communists is it.

Most American's can't SPELL Communism let alone define or understand it. Alan Keyes is merely capitalizing on this fact, as are most propaganda mouthpieces (yes I AM looking directly at you). Like you, Keyes relies on the ignorance of his audience. What sounds "reasonable" is anything but, once you so much as scratch the surface.

If anyone is a loyal dog to a particular party in this two party system, it is Keyes. Nothing to see here. Just the same old whipping up the rabble who don't even know what they don't know.

DMG said...

Alan Keyes talking about communism is an attempt at obfuscation and distraction. Because "everybody is afraid of Communists". If there ever was any "conditioning" going on in this country fearing and loathing communists is it.

Most American's can't SPELL Communism let alone define or understand it. Alan Keyes is merely capitalizing on this fact, as are most propaganda mouthpieces (yes I AM looking directly at you). Like you, Keyes relies on the ignorance of his audience. What sounds "reasonable" is anything but, once you so much as scratch the surface.

If anyone is a loyal dog to a particular party in this two party system, it is Keyes. Nothing to see here. Just the same old whipping up the rabble who don't even know what they don't know.

Denmark Vesey said...



To put it simply - You don't know what the hell you are talking about.

Keyes is not even a member of the Republican party.



You are just parroting the anti-intellectual nonsense the Plantation wants Plantation Negros to think about Keyes.

YOU don't know anything about communism beyond the paradigm of 1950's McCarthyism which you picked up in some movie or some course in one of your Plantation schools.

Again, you try to shield your personal ignorance by reflexively pretending the messenger is without merit.

It seems to be a habit of yours.

Communism is a one of the many tools the Plantation uses to control the lives of Plantation Negros & Plantation Crackas.

Let me try to bring you up to speed:

The appellation "communism" comes from the Latin "communis, which means "group" living.

Just like its cousin fascism is a derivation of the Italian word fascio, which is roughly translated as "bundle" or "group".

Both fascism and communism are forms of coercive group living, or more succinctly, collectivism.

The only substantial difference between the two is fascism's limited observance of private property rights.

Even these rights are ostensible at best given its vulnerability to rigid government regulation.

In short - communist policy is a tool of population control.

The individual is an enemy of the state that must be vanquished.

Thus we end up with a centralized power making decisions in the interest of the state ... not in the interest of the individual.

Shit like GMO and fake H1N1 Pandemics and schools that keep people dumb and dependent.

Communism is the HOV lane to slavery.

Obama is a front man who dumb people follow blindly and out of ignorance.

Again. Read a bit Doc. And get back to me

Plagiarist said...

DV. I love the way you plagiarize word for word the writings of Phillip Collins and Paul Collins from their book "The Ascendancy of the Scientific Dictatorship" (page 132) and make it look as it came out of your own brain. I couldn't have done it better myself. You genius, you.

DMG said...

Yes, yes, of course he "departed" from the Party, and of course I'm "parroting", blah, blah, blah...

DO YOU EVER have a fresh argument? Can you ever debate on the facts? What was it CNu called it... NYAUOT

Not only do I know about Communism, I know a number of actual Communists (and not the American variety). Please. Get another argument.

Your Messenger is the one channeling Joseph McCarthy. "Fear Communists! They are godless evil doers hellbent on destroying America!!"

But the real problem here is Keyes is attempting to call the current Administration with Communism, which is laughable. He, like you, plays loose with his terms, and improperly weaves the two together as though they really were close ideological "cousins".

I find it amusing that YOU are asking ME to read. That's cute, but still only worthy of a half hearted eye roll.


I usually highlight and copy our hosts posts in their entirety to see from which nutty source he's blatantly usurped as his own without citation. It's amusing sometimes. Most of the times it's just boring.

Second Dumbest Dude On The Internet said...

I so aspire to be like DV. Can't get it done. He done beat me to Number ONE.

CNu said...

What was it CNu called it... NYAUOT

NYAUOT is an all-time classic Big Man original.

NYAUOT, or Nigga You Ain't Up On This, is a peculiar disease that causes patients to go to great lengths to prove they are ahead of the curve when it comes to some subject. That could be fashion, or cars, or movies, or music, or books or women, or pretty much anything that allows you to flaunt your futuristic sense of, well, something.

NYAUOT is typically acute in middle school and high school, but some folks can show signs of a serious infection well into adulthood. In fact, some scientists believe that the disease has reached pandemic status worldwide as more people have been able to tell how "up" they are based on the Internet. Not only is the net a wonderful source of information and porn, it is also the best way to glean info on obscure crap that is sure to delight other small-minded individuals.

Males who suffer from NYAUOT can often be identified by outlandish clothing worn in a self-conscious, yet arrogant manner that begs for others to notice them. Typically, they cast furtive glances around crowds to see who is watching them, and they have perfected the art of lame disinterest in their surroundings.

They prefer European cars, or the latest vehicles popular among yuppies. They tend to listen to CDs that can only be purchased on-line, and roughly every third sentence they like to work the phrase, "Well, you probably haven't heard about this..." into their conversation. Their disease may be confined to areas like sports, fashion or music, but often unfortunately many NYAUOT sufferers have taken a holistic approach to the disease. Everything in their lives is designed to elicit envy or at least responses like "Never heard of that" or "So, where did you get that from?"

While serious cases of NYAUOT are more common among men, infection rates among women are increasing exponentially. Women sufferers typically can be identified by ridiculous displays of conspicuous consumption usually marked by label whoredom.

These women often compete ferociously to date the same small group of men who bang and discard them like cheap firecrackers, but they will still feel justified in questioning another woman's taste in men. Unfortunately, women infected with NYAUOT mistakenly believe they possess all of the qualities any sensible man would want, and think it is their duty to tell the world all about their wonderful characteristics.

It's almost bespoke for ole'jiggaboo and his new chickenhead crew....,

DMG said...

Apologies to Big Man. Haven't seen him in awhile.

Mike Fisher said...

DV. Can I kiss the tip of ya dick - again?