Sunday, April 01, 2012

ed said...
To me, it looks like this image represents the extermination mission currently going in the favelas in Brasil. 

The "Black" people in the favelas are fighting the "Grey" jack booted soldiers that will leave the favela streets red in blood.


ed said...

To me, it looks like this image represents the extermination mission currently going in the favelas in Brasil. The "Black" people in the favelas are fighting the "Grey" jack booted soldiers that will leave the favela streets red in blood.

HotmfWax said...

Could also be a gun carrying minister :) who just heard his food might be messed with.!

uglyblackjohn said...

looks like the lips of any Pacquiao opponent after the fight.

Constructive Feedback said...

(DV - that iPhone media player scared the hell out of me every time. You need to turn off that auto play dude)

The police in Brazil are indeed brutal. There are no "rules of engagement" to speak of. If you are in the community you had better duck to avoid the gun fire.

At the same time these Street Pirate Gangs have their thumb on the community, reigning terror throughout. They are not heroes.

CNu said...

Death Squads...,

Lula da Silva an'em Siilva's believe differently than their predecessors. Rice, beans, PORK, CHICKEN, BEEF, and some fruit for errbody is central to their people-centric programme.

These muhphuggahs in the U.S. (including the Hon.Bro.Preznit.Double-O) still believe in cleanup of lives devoid of value by the old school DEATH SQUADS.

Just watch....,