Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Baracka Flacka Flames Is The Blackest President On The Planet

fist tap HotMF Wax's daughter
Contemporary Plantation Negros will find themselves bothered by this video largely because they harbor a deep seeded impulse to impress white people.

Decades of "Black History Month" ingrained within them notions of Negro success characterized by the celebration of black precedent:  "The first black college graduate". "The first black baseball player".  "The first black mayor".  "The first black patent holder".  "The first black person to publish a book".  "The first black millionaire."  "The first black Miss America".  "The first black scientist".  "The first black person employed by IBM."  "The first black movie director". "The first black person to make use of the peanut".

Though shrouded by the Plantation in the accoutrements of prestige and accomplishment these ... memes ... proved to be a double edged sword.  On the surface they celebrated black achievement.  Beneath the surface they chiseled in stone the suggestion that Black people never did shit before this "first".

The first black "medical doctor" was NOT James McCune Smith, in 1837.  Brother Smith was beaten to that distinction by a brother who existed at least 6 or 7,000 years prior.  But that's another story.  Buying into this particular chain of memes serves to book-end and frame the Negro worldview and self-perception.

Today's Plantation Negro is anesthetized by the warm fuzzy of having "The First Black President" in the White House.  They perceive value in things that are ultimately valueless.  "The First Black President" is capitalizing on Plantation Negro solidarity while providing a diversion for those less invested in America to rob this nation blind, entangle us in unwinnable wars and to make Americans slaves to a creeping Technocratic bureaucracy and totalitarian police state.

The choreographed irreverence of this particular video is memetic genius.  Just because the President is black does not make the Presidency nor the Plantation sacrosanct.

Director Martin Usher and comedian James Davis have not produced coonery but probably the most important black commentary about the Presidency since Frederick Douglas waxed poetic about Abraham Lincoln.


Constructive Feedback said...

I suspect that as long as White folks and Fox News don't get a hold of this video and put it into endless rotation Wacka Flaka Flame won't be considered a Sambo Sipping Coon Minstrel born in the age of YouTube.

This is an ignorant and embarrassing video.

I hope that they keep it up though.

The best antidote to the fraudulent indictments of the "Progressives who are Democrats who are Black" is to allow the "Hip Hop Voice Of The Street Pirate" to be allowed to release their Minstrel short films without being checked by consciousness.

HotmfWax said...


too late, CF!! Rupert Murdoch is running with it. :)

Nigga said...

Where my fried chicken, Nigga?

makheru bradley said...

The only thing missing from this video is Thomas "Daddy" Rice.

Anonymous said...

Larry Wilmore as always on point.


"Villain knot his hair he's no Afro-American
If that's the case he be a bald-headed African" -MF Doom

Anonymous said...

The fact that Obama has to be made relevant through hip-hop tells you something.

The line that says, "I give a long a$$ speech and put your a$$ to sleep."

That sums up what young America honestly is benefiting from a black presidency.

"The first black to..."-DV

Perhaps we need to start flipping the game. "Joseph Swan the first white to find out about the light bulb."

Egyptian lightbulb

The R. said...

That was whack....my nigga!

Seven Half Store said...


This is a street campaign...

in as much as street niggs vote.

Anybody got stats on that?

Does a hood vote count?

Baracka Flacka Flaaaaaame!!!!!!!!

makheru bradley said...

Just because the President is black does not make the Presidency nor the Plantation sacrosanct. -- DV

Neither did it make him God's Son, but that's the horse manure you ran for about a year. Now that you've flipped your script you're promoting this imbecilic incantation as if it's a critical analysis of The Perfect Proxy.

large, pork-eating, $11/hr, red-jacketed TSA goon said...

I'd suck Flacka FLAME's dick. You on the Nigga's dick, too, DV ma Nigga. Good taste!

large, pork-eating, $11/hr, red-jacketed TSA goon said...

I hate your guts DV!

large, pork-eating, $11/hr, red-jacketed TSA goon said...

How deeeeeeep is your love, DV ma Nigga?

large, pork-eating, $11/hr, red-jacketed TSA goon said...

I love ya dick, though, ma Nigga.

ed said...

Only the real cats will pick this up:

I was impressed that these cats were able to create this video in South Central in a real bad gang-infested neighborhood. This shows we can create our films in our hoods and still entertain our people.

makheru bradley said...

I was impressed that these cats were able to create this video in South Central in a real bad gang-infested neighborhood.-- Ed

That only proves that garbage can be created anywhere. Never would have happened if Bunchy was still the mayor of the hood.

uglyblackjohn said...

DeeVee - "The first Black...", "The only Black...", "The good Black...", whatever.
I'd bet that most Blacks who frequent your site have lived through this in their personal lives.
I'd bet that most have had to be Elegba all up in Vahalla for most of their lives.

The Doc said...

I agree with DV. Fearing that this'll hit FOX News or how mainstream media will perceive it does smack of seeking white folks'/the "plantation's" approval. This will not set black foke in general, or ME in particular back one step. At the end of the day the game remains the same-- people are people, and the ones who like you will like you, and the ones who don't won't.

ed said...

I wonder if this video was political motivated viral propaganda to show Barack Obama being part of the "Black" community. To make street brothas and sistas think Barack Obama is cool or whatever.

I'm sorry but that Yemen sending bombs by UPS sounds like some Karl Rove "bin laden tapes" type ish prior to election day. If so, I'll give Barack Obama his props for pulling the same stunt....again, two CHICAGO Jewish centers, not two New York Jewish centers or along the east coast..nevermind..it just doesn't past the logic/rationale test with me.

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]I agree with DV. Fearing that this'll hit FOX News or how mainstream media will perceive it does smack of seeking white folks'/the "plantation's" approval[/quote]

EXCUSE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Notice YOUR dynamic versus MINE in the first post.

DV and you point to the Plantation Negroes RESPONSE to Fox News.

I put the ONUS UPON THE PLANTATION NEGRO and the FAKE OUTRAGE that he has shown on so many other cases in which his fake standards were violated(Dr Laura).
When FOX NEWS points out the FRAUD in his faux outrage then the "Progressive who is a Democrat who is Black" is going to call them RACISTS over the offense of them calling them out.

How about this DOC: Define the STANDARDS OF INTEGRITY that we have as a community and ENFORCE THEM - regardless of WHO is the offender.

As it stands right now POLITICAL AND IDEOLOGICAL threats to Black people are SUPERIOR. I get the felling that it is the color of the skin of the people executing these assaults that is SUPERIOR in the mind of the unconscious Kneegrow.

Amenta said...

Take from this what you will. But there is another suggestion implied in the video.

Dick Gregory said six levels down (I assumed he was speaking of the conscious) there was a racist red neck pig in whites of the U.S. This video is exposing what many white people think (six levels down) of "The First Black President" no matter how the Obamas present themselves.

Anonymous said...

DV..I hope you don't mind..I cut and paste some of your statements..