Sunday, February 12, 2012

Your Body Is As Electrical As A Laptop. Sugar Destroys The Electrical Potential of Your Food. The Quality of Your Salt Is Everything

fist tap the Great Hot Wax
For The Plantation Negros Who Need To Hear It From White Folks Before It Means Anything To Them ...

DMG said...
Because any old white dude with a white coat yapping about nonsense is more credible to you than a brother like me telling you that he's full of shit.

You really like white people that much?

Denmark Vesey said ...
LOL. I hear you yappin' Doc.

But it's hard to take you seriously when you say things you don't even mean.

For Example: You don't really think the cat is full of shit. His demonstration speaks for itself.

You are just saying what your employer has trained you to say.

Reducing processed sugar in the diets of the American people would put you and your drug dealing employers out of business.

You can attack the messenger. But you can't attack the message.

(If you could ... you would have)


DMG said...

Because any old white dude with a white coat yapping about nonsense is more credible to you than a brother like me telling you that he's full of shit.

You really like white people that much?

DMG said...

I wholeheartedly with every fiber of my being believe this man may quite literally be full of shit.

Actually, it would seem that perhaps you are the one with the employer, since the vast majority of your reference material have overt advertisements IN THEIR say this one.

And since you are so often pushing this easily disprovable tripe, I would surmise that you are the one with the agenda. Why else would someone constantly push nonsense?

And don't play the "attack the messenger shit". This is so obviously moronic nonsense, that it's a waste of a 6th graders time to disprove this.

You should know better. Stop being a moron, chose your battles and your reference material better.

CNu said...

You don't really think the cat is full of shit. His demonstration speaks for itself.

DMG - you KNOW we're all incandescent light bulbs and our bodies pass large alternating currents regularly pursuant to their sundry living functions.

Dood's demonstration speaks for itself.

This is school for you.

Bacon-Bey's school of Moorish science.

It doesn't get any better than this!

Accept no substitutes.

Denmark Vesey said...

^^ 202 words and these Plantation Negros haven't refuted a damn thing.


The irony.

A Plantation Negro MD who was SOUNDING THE H1N1 ALARM last year like it was the end of the world ... regaling us with stories of young parents coming down with the virus and dropping dead of 'acute respiratory this n that' caused by H1N1 ...

Got. The. Nerve. To. Call. Another. Man. "Full of shit".

Jigaboo you are batting .000

Everything you stand for has fallen apart.

Plantation Medicine is the Titanic Doc.

You should jump off before you go down with it.

Go back to school.

Become a chiropractor or something.

At least their patients can see a difference.

And CNu.

You got tits Negro.

Shut up.

DMG said...


You forgot the 1. I believe it's 1.000.

You still haven't backed up one thing you've claimed. Not even the easy stuff. I know this is a satire site now. I'm having fun with your lame ass.

I'm just astonished that you've kept up the act this long. You truly are a gifted actor.

Anonymous said...

"Your Body Is As Electrical As A Laptop"

I know this by experience.
No need for a doctor to tell me this.

I KNOW it.

You can achieve higher energies.

Einstein once said that if we could use the vast majority of our brain potential we wouldn't need bodies.

We would be electricity experiencing multiple dimensions.

Denmark Vesey said...


You OK man?

DMG said...

So when are you two geniuses going to quit ingesting carbohydrates?

Denmark Vesey said...


You OK man?

Obviously you want to argue.

But you don't make any sense. I'm getting worried about you.

Pretending to be sarcastic doesn't disguise the fact you have to yet to make a point.

You were trained in Plantation Medicine.

Plantation Medicine is an EPIC FAILURE.

The MILLIONS of your sick, cancerous and diabetic patients are scientific evidence that you quacks don't know what you are talking about.

If you do know what you are talking about ... PLEASE ... explain why the electrical potential of the food we eat is of no consequence.

HotmfWax said...

Com on Bra,

The 'body runs on electrons' is a easy conclusion -- ultimately, all the chemical reactions in the body boils down to the transfer of energy between molecules, which means electrons or energy.

After you dissect a chemical reaction down from the molecules and atoms to the valences and such, it all boils down to energy, which (aside from quantum consideration) means electrons.

Remember, people who shift paradigms normally are not accepted or recognized until long after they are gone.

People like to intellectualize about whether they believe it or not when all you have to do is put it to the test and see for yourself.

The proof is in the pudding. Eat up :).Way to go Ces.

Do it yourself. He did. Quantum Physics doc. Take the course again.:)

They weren't any peer reviewed studies the same year that Albert Einstein discovered relativity?

It took many years for everyone else to catch on to what relativity really meant.

However, just use your own common sense in realizing how simple this truth is regarding the benefits of how Alkaline/electric foods can help you. HINT: IT IS RIGHT IN FROUNT OF YOUR EYES!

DV, your techie and the ducktor are arguing that excess SUGAR that people eat does not dampens their energy and cellular potential and is not a main reason for all disease??? WTF?


Smarter than a 5th Grader -I guess?

Dr. Young shows live human cells under a microscope that sometimes stick to each other due to a lack of negative charge (i.e. lack of electrons). His experiments should make all of us rethink modern medicine.

HotmfWax said...


"We would be electricity experiencing multiple dimensions."-Ces

We are electricity experiencing multiple dimensions:). -Lucid dreaming?:)

What is real?-Morpheus in the matrix. :)

Inception-the movie. Someone trying to drop us a hint?

Just having fun Bra-couldn't resist.

However, I researched Dr. Bruce Lipton's theory of epigenetics which almost can lead you to that conclusion.

Hint- the secret life of plants is another clue.

Finally, until anyone can explain this :

No way we can be wrong on this. :)

CNu said...

Moorish Science!!!

Accept no substitutes...,

{that is, until you have an emergency, at which point tuck your tail between your legs and go see DMG...,}

Denmark Vesey said...

LOL ...

Well you big Walmart Pork n Bean eating bumpy faced Plantation Negros still clinging to slave food, tend to have more emergencies than people who eat Natural ...

So. Yeah. You need a Plantation MD quack to snatch out your diseased organs, burn you with radiation and keep you addicted to drugs.

Dr. Love said...

Come on bra' the news from "FOX" this morning informed is viewers abot salt intake and the sodium dangers. It seems to reason that taking a closer look at th"salts" we use would be an intelligent course of action to reduce heart problems, strokes, blood pressure..etc... but then again this would hurt a lot of "big pockets"... Some of us have been so tricked...bamboozled...hoodwinked..when we thought we were being educated...myself included!

HotmfWax said...

{that is, until you have an emergency, at which point tuck your tail between your legs and go see DMG...,}

Yep, just in time for him to give me a intravenous shot of saline solution (Good salt water) as soon as I get there.


Dr. Love, they always run that trick at us Bra.

If you want your body to function properly, you need whole Natural Seal salt complete with all-natural elements. Today's common table salt is a poison that has nothing in common with natural Sea Salt or liquid colloidal salt.

Table salt is actually 97.5% sodium chloride and 2.5% chemicals such as moisture absorbents,and iodine. Dried at over 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit, the excessive heat alters the natural chemical structure of the salt causing the potential for a myriad of health challenges in your body.

The Typical Table And Cooking Salt In Your Grocery Store Has Been 'Chemically Cleaned.'

Again, what remains after typical salt is 'chemically cleaned' is sodium chloride - an unnatural chemical form of salt that your body recognizes as something completely foreign. This form of salt is in almost every preserved product that you eat. Therefore, when you add more salt to your already salted food, your body receives more salt than it can dispose of.

This is important as over 90% of the money that people spend on food is for processed food.

Typical table salt crystals are totally isolated from each other. As a food, table salt is absolutely useless, and can potentially act as a destructive poison. In order for your body to try to metabolize table salt crystals, it must sacrifice tremendous
amounts of energy.

Inorganic sodium chloride upsets your fluid balance and constantly overburdens your elimination systems, which can impair your health.

When your body tries to isolate the overdose of salt you typically expose it to, water molecules must surround the sodium chloride to break them up into sodium and chloride ions in order to help your body neutralize them. To accomplish this, water is taken from your cells and you have to sacrifice the perfectly structured water already stored in your cells in order to neutralize the unnatural sodium chloride.

This results in dehydrated cells that can prematurely break them down.

You Are Losing Precious Perfectly Structured Intracellular Water When You Eat Normal Table Salt.

For every gram of sodium chloride that your body cannot get rid of, your body uses twenty-three times the amount of cell water to neutralize the salt. Eating common table salt causes excess fluid in your body tissue, which can contribute to:

* Unsightly cellulite.

* Rheumatism, arthritis and gout.

* Kidney and gall bladder stones.

When you consider that the average person consumes 4,000 to 6,000 mg of sodium chloride each day, and heavy users
can ingest as much as 10,000 mg in a day, it is clear that this is a serious and pervasive issue.

So Why Are Many People Still Using Table Salt?

Because well over 90% of the world's salt is being used directly for industrial purposes that require pure sodium chloride. The
remaining percentage is used for preserving processes and ends up on your kitchen table.

With the use of rigorous advertising, the salt industry is successful in convincing you there are actually health advantages to adding potentially toxic iodine and fluoride to salt. In addition, your table salt very often contains dangerous preservatives not required to be listed on the packaging.

Aluminum hydroxide is often added to improve the ability of table salt to pour. Aluminum is a light alloy that deposits into
your brain - a potential causative of Alzheimer's disease."

DMG said...

Argue? No MOTI, it takes two people to argue. I can't count any of your offerings as holding up your end of the conversation.

I'm waiting for you to stop eating carbohydrates. And plug your ass into the wall.

DMG said...


It's not Moorish science, it's MoRONIC pseudoscience. The attempts to draw me into a conversation is an attempt to legitimize their "point of view".

Anyone with a 6th grade understanding of chemistry and biology knows this video is beyond a shadow of a doubt the workings of a total moron.

Ces, MOT, and Wax are either playing an elaborate prank, or they really are just that stupid.

No more need be said.

CNu said...

They really ARE that stupid Doc..,

However, that's the beauty of Moorish Science!

Any fool and his cousin can put together a rhyme, a show-and-tell misdirection, capture it all in a youtube video and voila - instant credibility and game in the Moorish science system.

Moorish science is school for you!

Global system of Moorish supremacy!

Accept no substitutes...,

{forget your oath and brah - technomalthusian nerds worldwide nominating these cats for Darwin Awards...,}

Anonymous said...


Lucid dreaming must be off the chain.

I've been trying.

Not an easy task. The only thing I have accomplished is to actually remember in my dream I was at that place before in my dream and follow a sequence day by day.

Still trying to realize I am dreaming in my dream.

Crazy shit.

We experience multiple dimensions.

I got you.

At the same time I had a hint of higher from the ones we are caught on.

Electric energy all through your body.

Feelings of magnetism.

Computer gone crazy.

That was som' cool stuff.


Stiil wondering why or how, but deep experience.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of kidney stones.

My sister was at the hospital for the third time in 2 years for the same thing.

Kidney stone and infection.

She spent 2 days at the hospital for x-rays, re-hydration, treatment of infection... etc.

After a $9,000 bill and 2 days of HFCS and meat ("low sodium") diet, she was released.

The doctor said it has nothing to do with her diet.

My sister is overweight.


I eat natural food.

I can't save everybody.

DMG said...


Is your sister a diabetic? Ask your sister about the composition of the kidney stones.

Your sister is overweight probably because of a poor diet and lack of exercise. Does she have to "eat organic" like you to get healthy?

No. Was being overweight the cause of her kidney stone? Probably not directly.

Is your diet of organic food healthy? Sure, probably. Is my diet healthy? Yes, I don't eat organic. I get a few things when the farmers market comes around, because of the taste.

The problem with you making the connection of kidney stones and her diet is that it's Non sequiter, and is part of you and our hosts entire argument for eating organic.

Anonymous said...


She is not diabetic.

I doubt my sister would get any kidney stones and infections if she was drinking veggie juices.

Organic? Probably no need for that just to get better.

But I am not gonna tell my sister to eat gmo foods and hfcs when I know it is crap and there is real quality food.

I get the freshest bestest of foods.

I never said there was a relation between the stones and her diet.

You and your counterpart said there wasn't any.

Without even asking what she normally eats.

Healthy is a lifestyle, not your blood pressure measurement or body fat percentage.

Anonymous said...

"You and your counterpart said there wasn't any.

Without even asking what she normally eats.

Healthy is a lifestyle, not your blood pressure measurement or body fat percentage. "

preach ces preach!

DMG said...


I don't really have any beef with you, but there is more than one kind of kidney stone.

Saying you doubt she would get kidney stones and infections if she was drinking veggie juice isn't something that you can say with certainty. Now if you were talking about gallstones and obesity, you'd be right.

food has been "genetically" modified for millenia. And we already went over HFCS. I'm right with you in believing your sister needs to change her diet. But what's the point of jumping head first into your specialized diet if the likelihood of her continuing for more than a week is low? Gradual sustainable change that is affordable, and convenient would probably have more success.

Blood pressure and body fat percentage are some measures of health.

"I never said there was a relation between the stones and her diet."

Don't mean to quibble, but I believe you said it again, 4 sentences before this one...and you implied it in your last post.

Anonymous said...



I don't have any beef with you either, even though you already called me names.

It's ok.

I forgive you. It's in the past.

What troubles me more is that your put that "special" tag to my diet.

It is just food.

That grows in the dirt.

I am just following the cycle.

Not breaking it.

Saying your diet is healthy is not something that you can say with certainty.

Now, if you were talking about sustainable foods instead of "protein is protein", "sodium is sodium", "waffles are waffles" you'd be right.

It's funny how you say my diet is "probably" healthy.

C'mon DMG.

You are saying your Kia is better than my C-Class?