Thursday, June 24, 2010

I'll Be Damn If This Aint Some Shit ... Plantation Negros Done Elected A Black Lyndon LaRouche Chick ... Damn If She Don't Make Sense

fist tap Makheru Bradley
Kesha Rogers, 33-year-old Democrat who won the Democratic Party nomination to run against Republican Pete Olsen in Texas's 22nd Congressional District did so by campaigning on a ticket of "Impeaching Obama."

"Rogers shouted it from a sound truck that cruised the four-county 22nd Congressional District. She posted an 18-foot banner emblazoned with the message “Save NASA. Impeach Obama” on street corners. Her Web site is filled with videos and periodic policy statements documenting her stand.

Losing candidate Doug Blatt says of voters, "I can't believe that most people who voted for her knew that she wants to impeach Obama. I do believe that most of them didn't do any research about the candidates before voting."
Kesha Rogers called for the impeachment of President Barack Obama as the centerpiece of her campaign for Congress, and on Tuesday she won the nomination of her party. The Democratic Party.

During the campaign, Rogers denounced warnings of global warming as imperialist genocide, and proclaimed that London banking interests are bent on ruining America's economy.

“Most of you already know what I think of President Obama and his policies. I resolutely oppose the direction he has taken our nation:

• He has continued to support the Bush-Cheney wars, which he said he would end, and their so-called Patriot Act, which threatens our freedoms;

• He has continued the Bush-Cheney bailouts of Wall Street swindlers and thieves, and is making it worse, by rejecting true regulatory reform, through his die-hard opposition to restoring the Glass-Steagall regulations of Franklin Roosevelt, and his efforts to kill Sen. Blanche Lincoln’s amendment to restrict derivative trading;

• He continues the Bush-Cheney embrace of financial and business cartels, as in his so-called health care legislation, which the insurance companies, HMOs and Big Pharma love but which defines the sick, the poor, and the elderly as ‘useless eaters’; or his refusal to shut down BP (BRITISH Petroleum), and apply immediate, necessary emergency measures in the Gulf."


blackbullion said...

I'll vote for any Democrat on the ball like this!

Anonymous said...

She probably did not win the election. The white supremacist is just biding their time putting their pieces in place until the next Presidential election.

makheru bradley said...

So DV, are you in favor of impeaching God's Son?

makheru bradley said...

Off Topic: Only In Police State America: they shot a disabled 86-yearold woman with a Taser gun – twice.

[Officer Thomas Duran said he ordered his colleagues to shoot after the old woman took a ‘more aggressive posture in bed’.

It is not the first time El Reno police have faced controversy over Taser use. In 2008 an uncooperative driver was shot after a crash. They believed he was acting aggressively but it turned out he was falling into diabetic shock.]

Folks when the police start tasering a 86-year-old bed-ridden white woman, you know what the rest of us can expect.

Denmark Vesey said...

Mak B,

I'm in favor of impeaching any President who perpetuates a war not in the interest of the American people.

I'm in favor of impeaching any President who tolerates the bombing of innocent people via unmanned drones.

I'm in favor of impeaching any President who operates as a functionary for international bankers.

God's son or not.

Anonymous said...

At least Kesha Rogers sees through Obama, but she is still blinded by the orchestrated smoke and mirrors of heroes and villains we call partisan politics. She plays the tired liberal go-to card of blaming everything on Bush and Cheney (war, imperialism, corporate bailouts, etc.) when these things transcend party.

Iraq regime change was an official US government policy enacted by President Clinton who warned that something must be done before Bin Laden used the WMD’s he was developing. Republicans are “war mongers” blamed for Iraq, Kuwait, and interestingly enough Vietnam; when in actuality Vietnam, Korea, WWII, and WWI were all brought to us by the “peace loving” Democrats. Republicans are labeled as racists when the Democrats were the party of segregation. It is a sham.

People need to open their eyes and look at the broader picture. The two political parties are different on the surface in what they advertise and preach but on the inside they are bought and paid for by the same special interests. They are merely appendages of the same creature. Most government regulations that are created to protect the people are usually written by special interests to protect special interests.

What is the solution? I have some suggestions and would love to hear yours. --OneLove

makheru bradley said...

DV, impeach Obama and replace him with who?

Denmark Vesey said...

"DV, impeach Obama and replace him with who?" MB

a) Denmark Vesey

b) Taj Tariq Bey

c) Ron Paul

Anonymous said...

makheru bradley said...
"DV, impeach Obama and replace him with who?"


"a) Denmark Vesey

b) Taj Tariq Bey

c) Ron Paul"

Get Real DV... that won't happen...the impeachment of Obama would be the worst PR disaster for Black people since Flavor of Love :)

Illmathividual said...

Illmath said whats atop