Monday, December 26, 2011

Ron Paul Is Blacker Than The Entire Congressional Black Caucus Combined: The 2010 Census Is A Hegelian Headfake & Tool For Group Identity Politics

Ron Paul Said ...
Last week Congress voted to encourage participation in the 2010 census. I voted “No” on this resolution for the simple, obvious reason that the census – like so many government programs – has grown far beyond what the framers of our Constitution intended. The invasive nature of the current census raises serious questions about how and why government will use the collected information. It also demonstrates how the federal bureaucracy consistently encourages citizens to think of themselves in terms of groups, rather than as individual Americans. The not so subtle implication is that each group, whether ethnic, religious, social, or geographic, should speak up and demand its “fair share” of federal largesse.


HotmfWax said...


He got me cocked and loaded for this bullshit. All the black politicians have been on TV promoting how good the Census will be for us. But here is the
real deal.

However, you are only to answer one question and one only. How many?

Only for enumeration.

Everything else is "none of your business". Check out these pucked up questions.

The questions are both ludicrous and insulting. The survey asks, for instance, how many bathrooms you have in your house, how many miles you drive to work, how many days you were sick last year, and whether you have trouble getting up stairs. It goes on and on, mixing inane questions with highly detailed inquiries about your financial affairs. One can only imagine the countless malevolent ways our federal bureaucrats could use this information. At the very least the survey will be used to dole out pork, which is reason enough to oppose it.

Keep in mind the survey is not voluntary, nor is the Census Bureau asking politely. Americans are legally obligated to answer, and can be fined up to $1,000 per question if they refuse ($5000 max!)!

One of the worst aspects of the census is its focus on classifying people by race for the plantation meme. When government tells us it wants information to “help” any given groups, it assumes every individual who shares certain physical characteristics has the same interests, or wants the same things from government. This is an inherently racist and offensive assumption. The census, like so many federal policies and programs, inflames racism by encouraging Americans to see themselves as members of racial groups fighting each other for a share of the federal pie.

Submariner said...

I thought you live in Jamaica?

HotmfWax said...
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HotmfWax said...

Born in Jamaica-been in the states since 75. 48 years old. signed over to Babylon and sold into slavery (US citizenship) at age 13 by drunk parents:).

What the hell were they thinking!!!

Denmark Vesey said...


Thordaddy said...

The more individuals practice the liberal first principle of nondiscrimination the more radically autonomized our society becomes. This radical autonomization necessitates a disenigration of relations, loyalty and adherence to truth AS THOSE THINGS REPRESENT DISCRIMINATORY BELIEFS. This truly diversified environment becomes ever more dangerous for the autonomous individual -- who now consists mainly of a mere database of particular information -- for the simple fact that he has no one but himself AND PERHAPS the gov'ment. Perhaps, because he must give to get and his information, of course, is in need of compilation and review for the simple task of deciding the fate of this increasingly alienated individual.

Of course, getting the particular information from a liberal who practices nondiscrimination and tolerance is like taking manhood from DMG.