Friday, January 22, 2010

I'm Just Sayin ...

Tsunami Radiation Sickness Raises Suspicions
Thursday, 21 September 2006

Suddenly, thousands of people in several East African countries and of the Arabian Peninsula have begun to fall sick with what the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) says is radiation sickness brought on by the tsunami.

Men, women, and chilren of all ages are experiencing the horrible woes of nuclear aftermath, including sudden ear, nose, and mouth bleeds, internal hemorrhages and other symptoms of radiation sickness, according to a UNEP report named "After the Tsunami: Rapid Environmental Assessment", released in March. Hundreds of villages and towns in the Horn of Africa dependant on well water are now without a source of potable water due to contamination caused by radioactive material surfacing in water tables. Widespread cancer now threatens millions more in the region. Radioactive clouds drifting westward have already been reported.


Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

You have not given any context for why the radiation sicknesses are surfacing and you conveniently avoid giving us a link to the actual report. Here is a link to the report for anyone interested. Go to the bottom of the page for a link to the PDF file of the whole report.

Somalia's coast has been a dumping ground for nuclear waste and other toxic waste streams for quite a while. The tsunami stirred up these waters and many many people will suffer. I don't know if there is a nefarious conspiracy involved here, more or less carelessness and lack of infrastructure in Somalia.

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

BTW, if you search for 'radiation' in the report it is not there; you will have to search for 'nuclear'.

The Doc aka Cletus the Slack-Jawed Yokel said...

Yeah, exactly, Mahndisa. This is one of the reasons for the whole Somali "pirate" controversy.

It was pretty much a known fact that companies were illegally dumping tons of waste in Somali waters. The Somalians have gone to the UN numerous times about this, through what people like to call "the proper channels" but to no avail. All of a sudden when they take up arms and defend themselves by the only means they're left, they're labeled pirates and terrorists. The media labeled them terrorists, when from what I was reading, many of the Somalian people thought of them as their Coast Guard.

No big conspiracy, but at the same time, it's not much better to take advantage of a suffering country like that. Then again, you don't see them dumping this shit near Scotland, now do you?

Denmark Vesey said...


So. What we got here?

A surge in cancer among the Somalian people, caused by either:

a) nuclear waste dumped by "Europeans" off the coast of Somalia for decades and suddenly brought to the surface immediately after an undersea earthquake and the resultant Tsunami ...


b) fallout from an undersea explosion of a tectonic weapon, which also resulted in an earthquake and tsunami, detonated by the United States or some other super power.

uglyblackjohn said...

Maybe it was a combination of both "a' and "b".
What would a country go to such great lengths to discard except excessive stores of U-238.
Maybe the build up caused fission.