Friday, December 18, 2009

"Ye Who Have Not Cooned Cast The First Stone"

CNu said...
Same reason ole Scratch here pretends at catching the vapors over science and technology...,


CNu said...


casting stones???

c'mon DeVil

CNu show you how to cast bigger projectiles than that!!

covertly, quietly, and on the cheap...,

Anonymous said...

Why do the Replubicans think they need to look cool, black etc.. in order to appear that they have change?

CNu said...

same reason ole Scratch here pretends at catching the vapors over science and technology...,

Constructive Feedback said...

KCNulan is more offended by Michael Steele posing with some White interns than he is about the various member's of the Congressional Black Democrat Caucus being able to pose by so many underutilized commercial and residential buildings in their home districts.

Shameful how much some people can obfuscate away from that which is IMPORTANT.

CNu said...

Why Ronald A. Barr, you madcap..,

If not for my open-minded and cosmopolitan nature, I'd find myself most offended by your repeated and obsessive attempts to fit your big blubbery DSL's around my jock.

Pretending for discussion's sake, however, that you have a point to make beyond the porch monkey antics which typify your digital coonshow, here's what my local represenative is attempting to do wrt the abandoned and underutilized buildings in KC's urban core. What's your local grand cyclops trying to do about economic decline and eventual collapse in ATL?