Monday, March 30, 2009

Who & What ... Is REALLY More Intelligent?

Undercover Black Man said...

Yeah, whatever. Either way, the future will be driven by the highly intelligent and the masterfully literate.

No it won't.

The future belongs - as it always has - to those most fit and capable of surviving no matter what happens to the society upon which people such as yourself entirely and completely depend.

The prospects for illiterate Guatemalan subsistence farmers are better than for you or your hypothetical progeny....,


Anonymous said...

i'm rolling with juan valdez. far more intelligent.

submariner said...

About eight years ago I would have been strongly in the David Mills camp. But leaving aside polemics and the question of intent, what we've witnessed is civilization brought to its knees not by some unproductive parasitic class but precisely by "the best and the brightest" hailed by Mr. Mills. This same observation was recently made President Lula of Brazil in much more pointed fashion.

Growing up in a devoutly Christian and progessive household founded on the Beatitudes, I hold that the future will be driven by the morally upright and courageous. Towards that end I chose to send my daughter to a Rudolph Steiner school where she would develop moral charcter and cultural fluency with skill at collaborating supplemented by knowledge of agriculture and facility with crafts rather than the preserves of affluence and social distinction favored by most of my associates.

CNu said...

Submariner is truth...,

Denmark Vesey said...

"But leaving aside polemics and the question of intent, what we've witnessed is civilization brought to its knees not by some unproductive parasitic class but precisely by "the best and the brightest" hailed by Mr. Mills." Sub

Very true. Good stuff.

"I hold that the future will be driven by the morally upright and courageous"

Do you hold that it will be, or that the future "should" be driven by the moral and the upright?

Sub, do you expect these morally upright and courageous individuals will face any opposition in their quest to drive the future?

Personally, I'm suspicious of the apotheotic assumption that man has the capacity to drive the future at all.

KonWomyn said...


Why the suspicion of man's capacity to drive the future DV?

IMO it's a difficult yes and no situation to articulate bec a multiplicity of factors weigh in on this.

Yes man has the capacity to drive the future, to a certain extent, as history testifies. From the habitation and conquest of lands to the subsequent development of social, political and economic systems, humans have always attempted to shape the world and the future.

And now with eugenicists and neo-Malthusianists subversively, sometimes explicitly pushing their agendas; control of the future takes on a whole new meaning.

..But as always there's been a power struggle between all humans to control the future; and sometimes its a one-sided struggle. Like the pic uptop the greedy corporate cracker who wants to squeeze life out of the Guatemalen farmer to satisfy his needs, but whatever y'throw at that man he'll be aight.

...On the other hand, man's desire for control will and has led to creation of situations beyond human control. Some which have the potential to end all life on earth...On spiritual level I guess I'd say that's Mother Nature/God striking back. Whatever man does to control the future; it has been pre-determined already.

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]what we've witnessed is civilization brought to its knees not by some unproductive parasitic class but precisely by "the best and the brightest" hailed by Mr. Mills. This same observation was recently made President Lula of Brazil in much more pointed fashion.[/quote]

You have no idea how wrong you are.

There is a Yin and Yang relationship between the "Best and Brightest" Greedy Corporatists that you elude to and the Insatiable Appetite of the Lumpen Proletariat.

BOTH will keep driving the system with their demands until they drive the system to its knees in their own way.

Sadly the only way to put either of them in check is to allow the pain of the system's collapse to define the new boundaries within which they will operate.

I struggle to understand how a system such as "derivatives" which attempted to spread the risk for mortgage loans across the market as being more "evil" than a plan to centralize more entitlements upon the federal government beyond a point that it can rationally accommodate - per its existing debt load and the pending insolvency of other key programs.

Keep in mind that just as the derivative spread the risk and thus enabled loans that would not have been previously made - the nationalized entitlement trend is seeking to PROVIDE BENEFITS to the masses with the MONETARY RESPONSIBILITIES spread throughout the masses.

If financial solvency collapses from Wall Street or Main Street demands - does it really matter?

Anonymous said...

Stupid comparison. Some of the greatest innovations of our time were made possible by atheists--none of whom are obese, by the way. If you hate atheists so damned much then stop using your PC or your Macintosh computers because those technologies driving the operating systems and software were provided courtesy of atheists. The physically fit survive but it is the intellectually fit that carry the population thanks to socialism, Marxism and communism.