Sunday, April 19, 2009

Who Is More Intelligent? The Man Who Is Working To Split The Human Genome or The Man Who Doesn't Know What The Human Genome Is?


CNu said...


The man who writes "working to split the human genome" is struggling with some difficulties of his own wrt understanding wtf he's talking about.

CNu said...

Searching for Intelligence in Our GenesIQ is easy to measure and reflects something real. But scientists hunting among our genes for the factors that shape intelligence are discovering they are more elusive than expected

Denmark Vesey said...

Nah Nerd You Missed It.

The Human Genome Project is bullshit.

Be it gene or atom

they tamper wit'

their goal the same

to cause a split.

CNu said...



where I sit

it looks contextual

mind's-I mystries

stank race-histries

nun'yall fit

t'solve this shit.

CNu said...

The storytellers' desire to label everything and put it into old jars they've already collected and organized.

THAT's what's blocking the transition from knowledge to understanding.

It's like a fool trying to jump over his own knees - who insists on being taken seriously...,

Constructive Feedback said...

Mr V:

For a people who have a large portion of their base believing that "da man" has created HIV/AIDS to kill the "undesirables" of the world - of which THEY are included.....I just don't understand why they fail to apply the very same skepticism with regard to the prospect that MAN will one day have control of the "secret sauce" and thus be able to give physiological advantage to those who they CHOOSE to.

The strategy to counter this is to either oppose it outright or....make sure that their people become well studied in this area of research so that they can produce the "anti-venom" when necessary. :-/

Constructive Feedback said...

Mr V:

For a people who have a large portion of their base believing that "da man" has created HIV/AIDS to kill the "undesirables" of the world - of which THEY are included.....I just don't understand why they fail to apply the very same skepticism with regard to the prospect that MAN will one day have control of the "secret sauce" and thus be able to give physiological advantage to those who they CHOOSE to.

The strategy to counter this is to either oppose it outright or....make sure that their people become well studied in this area of research so that they can produce the "anti-venom" when necessary. :-/

Denmark Vesey said...



where I sit

it looks contextual

mind's-I mystries

stank race-histries

nun'yall fit

t'solve this shit." CNu


I like that! I like that!

Got a little flow after all CNu!


I didn't know ya'll rhythmically challenged brothers could get down like that. Good for you.

But you still missing it. Knowledge and understanding are far from being blocked.


As you muhfuggas site text and reference other squares ... I'm laying the answers at your feet.

A man who fucks with his own genome is a fruit basket. An idiot, compared to a man oblivious to the pattern of his deoxyribonucleic acid.

Undercover Black Man said...

The logic-spitter...

The lyrical pipe-fitter...

Rhetorical cleanup hitter...

The won’t-quit non-bullshitter...

The Emmy-getter...

The bourbon sipper...

The sushi dipper...

The money clipper...

The straight-up “Broken Language” ripper...

Highest bidder...

The human genome splitter...

The everyday blogger, ain’t wasting my muthaphuckin’ time on Twitter...

I love fat dumb homo niggers said...

The lyrical pipe-fitter...

Somebody watch they ass around homey.

Denmark Vesey said...

Undercover Black Man said...

The logic-spitter...

The lyrical pipe-fitter...

Rhetorical cleanup hitter...

The won’t-quit non-bullshitter...

The Emmy-getter...

The bourbon sipper...

The sushi dipper...

The money clipper...

The straight-up “Broken Language” ripper...

Highest bidder...

The human genome splitter...

The everyday blogger, ain’t wasting my muthaphuckin’ time on Twitter...


Got Some FlavA
For Yo EarA

Denmark Vesey said...

"For a people who have a large portion of their base believing that "da man" has created HIV/AIDS to kill the "undesirables" of the world - of which THEY are included.....I just don't understand why they fail to apply the very same skepticism with regard to the prospect that MAN will one day have control of the "secret sauce" and thus be able to give physiological advantage to those who they CHOOSE to.

The strategy to counter this is to either oppose it outright or....make sure that their people become well studied in this area of research so that they can produce the "anti-venom" when necessary. :-/" CF

I didn't completely get that CF. Run it back.