Sunday, January 04, 2009

Do I Have D S L's? You Tube Sex and Private Conversations In Public


Anonymous said...

God bless this confused little sister, and hopefully somebody will be able to help her develop a healthier self-image so the external perceptions won't cause such damage to her psyche.

For the record, if you ever read this, Young sister, your lips are perfect for you. They are beautiful on you, but they don't define you and anyone who thinks they do is just peeping their shallowness to you. They aren't DSL unless you choose for them to be so, and your choice either way is in your control.

YouTube has made it easier for people to express themselves in a way that almost guarantees responsiveness from an otherwise apparently unconcerned world. No one wants to cry out in the wilderness, everyone wants their voice to be heard. We'll eventually get a handle on this higher level communication tool and all the other tools that are being provided by technological advances.

Denmark Vesey said...

Um. Interesting Ex.

I didn't take it that way.

I was actually impressed with the sister. I saw a well evolved self-affirming, reflective young women with healthy self-esteem.

Actually, I saw a potentially great young writer.

If she put those words on paper and sold them - she'd be hailed a creative hero.