Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Radical Religion vs Radical Secularism

The Real Religious War


Anonymous said...

How come Jewish liberals get much madder over Christian traditions...but don't say a thing about stuff like "sexually-liberated" teenage prostitution pimped by their own (single) moms? A predictable outcome of the liberal Jewish sexual revolution?

Michael Fisher said...

Personally, I'd rather be in the middle of the secularist party there. Radical secularism has it's points...

Real good ones.

Constructive Feedback said...

[quotePersonally, I'd rather be in the middle of the secularist party there. Radical secularism has it's points...[/quote]

A society that "makes it all up as it goes along" will like make you up into a being that is worthy of being food for the lions - if it so pleases their entertainment spirit.

Religion has certain rules that have been PERVERTED into the will of man at the time.

Secularism inevitably gravitates toward perversion as there is solid rock upon which it is built upon.