Thursday, December 18, 2008

Homo Gestapo Attacks Obama's Choice To Deliver Invocation At Inauguration

Rick Warren, one of the most influential religious leaders in the nation, has championed issues such as a reduction of global poverty, human rights abuses and the AIDS epidemic.

But the founder of the Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California, has had the audacity to oppose Homosexual Marriage and Abortion. That puts him at odds with the Homosexual Lobby.

It's shrewd politics, but if anyone is under any illusion that Obama is interested in advancing gay equality, they should probably sober up now!” Andrew Sullivan wrote in the Atlantic.


Anonymous said...

Man, gay marriage has now become the most important litmus test in American politics. In California, if you oppose gay marriage, you, in effect, can't even be part of the Democratic Party.

Denmark Vesey said...

That's my point Big J.

It's not about Marriage.

It's about control.

The Victim Groupies can't see past code words.

Big Man said...


You raise some good points about the gay lobby. While I used to think you spent an inordinate amount of time focusing on the topic, you're decision seems justified now because it has become a litmus test as "The State of..." mentioned.

I find it very telling how this issue trumps all others in the minds of many prominent gays, yet they have consistently criticized black people for our focus on issues that affect us to the exclusion of all others. I understand the idea that everybody looks out their own group, but the hypocrisy of condemning a group for doing the same thing you do is bothersome.

I still do not have a problem with gay marriage, I don't see it as the same as a marriage ordained and made before God. But, I am growing tired of the way the issue is being framed and how people are being attacked. Obama has long said he doesn't support gay marriage, yet now it's a big deal because he invited Warren?

It's not about gay marriage. It's about forcing everybody to agree with a single opinion on life.

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

"It's not about gay marriage. It's about forcing everybody to agree with a single opinion on life."

This is why San Francisco and Berkeley bother me so damned much. Everything is politisized and everyone likes to think that they are so openminded and so forth. However, if you even mention a slight disagreement to their liberal "anything goes" mentality,you are a bigot.

Denmark Vesey said...

I know what you mean Mahndisa.

Armed with the weapons of Instant Moral Authority and Permanent Victim Status, so-called "liberals" prove to be viscous fascists with a license to attack anyone who dares not adopt the world view of their Secular Jihad.