Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Got A Problem With This? You Are A Bigot!


Anonymous said...

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a chronic mental disorder most commonly characterized by intrusive, repetitive thoughts resulting in compulsive behaviors and mental acts that the person feels driven to perform, according to rules that must be applied rigidly, aimed at preventing some imagined dreaded event and/or the constant obsessive posting of homosexual topics.

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

12 09 08

DV: You showed that picture in a previous post so the shock value is already gone. Yes, it does look weird to me. Something about it seems strange. But if these gay guys are raising this little Black baby in a responsible way and providing for her needs, then it may not be all that weird. See, Black children around the world are orphaned and left to fend for themselves. The Black communities may not always have the means to take all of them end. Do you honestly think that state run orphanages are better than gay people adopting children?

Before I had my son, my husband and I talked about adoption but after having just one, we see that is a hand full! We don't have the werewithal to foster or adopt at this time. Do you? If so, great. If not, then why are you getting on these guys (despite the weirdness)?

Denmark Vesey said...

Great points Mahndisa.

The predicament of black children not adopted by black parents is often used in arguments supporting Gay adoption.

I actually think it's a good argument.

The Horrors of Orphanages Vs. The vast Material Support and pet like love Gays can offer the abandoned Negro child is an interesting and fair juxtaposition.

However, the notion of a six year old black boy, frightened by a nightmare, climbing into bed with two pajama clad homosexual white men sounds much more horrific than a 6 year old boy occupying a bunk bed in a room with 3 other boys, in Mrs. Johnson's foster home.

I'd rather my own children grow up in the foster care system than be divided up among male homosexual couples.

Not that I hate homosexuals. It's that I love the truth.

A parent is more than a provider of material support. A parent is the custodian of a child's spirit. Two men can no more be parents of a child than can two Volkswagens.

I am concerned by those members of our community who dare not even question the notion of homosexual adoption because to question the Gay Lobby has become Taboo.

I submit the above nonsense from Anon as an example.

Anonymous said...

Main Entry: ho·mo·pho·bia
Pronunciation: \ˌhō-mə-ˈfō-bē-ə\
Function: noun
Date: 1969
: irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals
— ho·mo·pho·bic \-ˈfō-bik\ adjective

Anonymous said...

Main Entry: big·ot
Pronunciation: \ˈbi-gət\
Function: noun
Etymology: French, hypocrite, bigot
Date: 1660
: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices ; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance
— big·ot·ed \-gə-təd\ adjective
— big·ot·ed·ly adverb

Anonymous said...

DV you sound like this guy dude.

On Thursday, October 18, 2007, a thunderous controversy roared across the world when a Nobel Prize winner, Dr. James Watson, was quoted as having said that Africans were less intelligent than Westerners (whites). Watson received the Nobel Prize for the discovery of the DNA, and is considered one of the world most eminent scientists. In a interview he gave to the Sunday Times of London of October 14, Dr. Watson said that Black people are less intelligent than whites and that the idea that “equal powers of reason” are shared across racial groups was a delusion.

Anonymous said...

Every r-gaming culture ends up with a surplus of unwanted babies.

Which predictably results in gangs, poverty, street violence and all the more responsible K-gamers (in this case, White gays) forced to cuckold for these bastards via welfare. That 70% of their sperm donors refused to.

Or is there a single Black area on Earth where these are not significant problems?

Anonymous said...

rather " these bastards" as you so nicely put it, than a race of white strange men who whack each other in the anus, and then insist that everyone applaud them for it.

I would rather my children be brought up in a dog house than with these abnormal expressions of the human male.

Anonymous said...

That little girl is so cute!!! (not relevant or anything but she is!)...

As for the parents, big deal. One of the best families that I know looks exactly like that pic only the child is a boy. They don't just provide material support, they love, nourish and support that boy and he's a great kid. Do you really think that love is something that your kids are going to get when they're in Mrs. Johnson's basement enabling her to collect her monthly check from child services? Do those who complain about black children being raised by white gay couples actually take in any of these kids themselves or just sit back and watch the chips fall where they may?

Anonymous said...

"However, the notion of a six year old black boy, frightened by a nightmare, climbing into bed with two pajama clad homosexual white men sounds much more horrific than a 6 year old boy occupying a bunk bed in a room with 3 other boys, in Mrs. Johnson's foster home."


..... Hmmmm... I haven't been around in a while, and I see you're up to the same bullshit, DV.
Cool - makes it easy for me (not that you care) to simply never visit this site again. You are a sick, twisted, motherfucker, DV.

I am only more sickened by the predicament one of your children may find himself/herself in when he/she falls in love with someone of the same sex, and can't tell Dad. Fuck. That.

Denmark Vesey said...

Mel, you are a weak minded fool conditioned to believe all challenges to the Thought Police are the products of "hate".


When did that become a crime?

Nah Mel, it's you soft-minded dupes tricked into mistaking sexual perversions with Group Identity.

There are people, whose sexual preference is eating shit.

Can they adopt children too?

Why not?

CNu said...

This is rich.

The "Blackest" man on the planet represents from an identity that is solely and exclusively a social construct having no constant, underlying phenotypic correlate or expression. Which fact is what leads us to know that racism is stupid and arbitrary.

Meanwhile, he amps up his magical thinking and bigotry concerning a demonstrably biological trait with correlates throughout the mammalian vertebrate world, by serving up the rotten fish in a dirty diaper image of a child in bed with a homosexual parent. Unsatisfied with that little bon mot, he throws in a little coprophagia to emphasize the spittle frothing at the corners of his mouth...,

It's way past time to pull up on this topic DV, having long ago passed the point where your flamboyant denunciations are inversely proportional to their persuasive efficacy.

Anonymous said...


Probably close to none. However, those fathers should simply raise their own sons (or not breed them to begin with), then, like they're supposed to. But apparently, that's too much to ask from 70% of Black sperm donors these days tho...

That said, at least this adoptee is a girl. I wonder if the courts prefer to give girls to gay couples just to lower risk of child molestation, lol?

Anonymous said...

However, the notion of a six year old black boy, frightened by a nightmare, climbing into bed with two pajama clad homosexual white men sounds much more horrific than a 6 year old boy occupying a bunk bed in a room with 3 other boys, in Mrs. Johnson's foster home.

As one who fights for parents on a daily basis I gotta say your statement shows a lack of understanding of what happens in the fostercare system. More often than not that little 6 year old will more likely be sexually abused at Mrs. Johnson's. Happens everyday, allday. A complaint may be made if the abuse is reported, if its reported the alleged offender is moved, end of story. I'm on a case involving 3 kids (boys) in 3 different placements, two of the placements are male gay homes in Long Beach. Would that be my preference? No, but from what I've seen it beats the hell out of the fostercare system which like any other system breaks down, and when you're dealing with little kids the outcome is really ugly.