Monday, July 21, 2008

Diversity Training or Corporate Mind Control Program?

"Diversity" is a massive long-term behavior modification program that divides people into fractured easily controlled identity groups. From "Equal Opportunity Officers" to "Diversity Czars" to "Sensitivity Training" ... Americans are being systematically conditioned to perceive race and ethnicity in a manner that allows a minority to control the majority.

In New World Order Doublespeak, "Diversity" is a devious way to dilute, discriminate and control otherwise powerful vertically integrated communities.


Intellectual Insurgent said...

There is something very troubling about that photo.

Anonymous said...

Insurgent, that is how white people give the "Black Power" fist.

" Americans are being systematically conditioned to perceive race and ethnicity in a manner that allows a minority to control the majority."

Tell me where this is so I can go.

Denmark Vesey said...

" Americans are being systematically conditioned to perceive race and ethnicity in a manner that allows a minority to control the majority."

Tell me where this is so I can go.


Start at AIPAC.

G M said...

Yes, Jews love preaching "diversity" for everyone else, but...

When will Israel have its first Palestinian, Black, or non-Jew Prime Minister?

G M said...

You know, I'd love for AIPAC to start running this photo and ad campaign in ISRAEL, lmao!!!! Where being a racist apartheid is an accepted norm and Palestinians are treated like subhuman scum!

? said...

Gee, Byrd

America has been a country for a hell of allot longer than Israel and number of Americans of color who have been presidient = 0 Number of black U.S. seantors in 2007= 1!

G M said...

^ C1 - What right do they have to preach to others to do what they haven't even COME CLOSE to accomplishing themselves, then?

And why don't they put even the slightest bit of pressure on Israel to catch up on it, if they are so far behind?

Same story with Marxism/Communism...etc. Great for every other country on the planet - but NOT for the Jewish homeland!

Maybe only when Israel becomes a successful diverse Commy state itself, should they start suggesting to other countries how to operate?

? said...

Same story with Marxism/Communism...etc. Great for every other country on the planet - but NOT for the Jewish homeland!

Marxism and communism has gone the way of the dinosaurs, sometime ago. America tells people how to behave all the time, while not often setting such a good example. Israel has been around for 60 years we have been around well over 200 hundred. Black Americans have been treated far worse than Palestinans, so how do we have a moral example to set?

G M said...

America treats Black Americans very well now - and far better than Israelis do Palestinians.

Granted, there's still hypocrisies, but there have been at least demonstrable efforts and precedents made domestically before the US tries to push those values (good or bad) abroad.

I'm sure you can argue things by degree here, but it's not total about-faces like Americans preaching Communism when they are not one themselves. Or preaching abolition when they still use slavery. Etc.

There's a difference between rank hypocrisy and one of falling short by degrees.

Michael Fisher said...
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Michael Fisher said...


"America treats Black Americans very well now - and far better than Israelis do Palestinians."

America does that? Who is America in this case? Surely not "Black Americans" else your formulation would amount to "America treats America very well now".

Anonymous said...

America (as a whole, not limited to Blacks) treats Black (in specific) Americans...