Monday, June 23, 2008

TEST: Chronic Feminist Fatigue - Do you suffer?

It's strong. The Feminist meme game is like candida. All up in your guts and you don't know you got it. You just quietly suffer the symptoms.

Apparently it is counter culture to even suggest a young girl be taught to depend on a man. Reference the sidestepping comments below.


For years mothers, and grandmothers and even fathers suffereing from CFF (Chronic Feminist Fatigue) have repeated that petit bourgeois feminist mantra "I jus wan hu ta get ah ejoocation - so she won't haf ta DEPEND on no man".

So millions of women went to college, got in debt, got a job and now ... depend on ... corporations.

Out the frying pan ... Switcheroo ... like when atheists realize "No God" is a religion too.

We wouldn't train a point guard, not to depend on his center. We wouldn't encourage a quarterback not to depend on his receivers. We wouldn't suggest a pilot not depend on his copilot. Why not teach young girls the art and skill of building an interdependent relationship with a man? Why project the attitudes and disposition of lesbian women as the ideal model for all women?


Anonymous said...

Trick question.

? said...

Sorry, a woman needs to rely on herself if she's smart. Most men are only as loyal as their options.

Denmark Vesey said...

Trick answer.

Anonymous said...

A girl should be taught to depend on God, if she does that and bonds with a man who does as well then she can definitely depend on him. Because his accountability goes beyond his wife to his accountability in his relationship with God.

If the dude has no spritiaul center, the lil one best be depending on herself...

Intellectual Insurgent said...

That was a great answer Soteria.

? said...

Not necessarily, here are some men of God some women counted on.

Rev. Ted Haggard, Jimmy Swaggart, Martin Luther King, Elijah Muhammad, Charles Lindbergh, Billy James Hargis, Larry Craig, Marrion Barry,Thomas Weeks etc.

Religious men are just as fallible as any kind of guy.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget - single mamahood = "independence" = "not depending on a man" = the logical conclusion of this feminist memetic ideal

Although if you actually know any single mamas, they depend a LOT on their rents, relatives and often social welfare. So, they just pass the buck on to others, including other men who had nothing to do with knocking her up. "Independent" my ass.

Anonymous said...

woman hater = byrdeye

Anonymous said...

This is not to say that a person with a spiritual base will not do ever make a mistake, but if they do and they really have a relationship with God, they will get on the right track not just for his wife but because of what is spiritually right to do.

If you have no moral compass of right and wrong, what stops a person from doing all manner of things?

? said...

What do you mean by spiritual? That can have allot of connotations. Is organizied religion a must to have a spiritual base?

Anonymous said...

No organized religion is not...but someone who engages in spiritual practice ie meditation, prayer, fasting...would be someone who is in touch with their spiritual nature and not living off of a constant desire to satisfy their sensory desires at all times.

Anonymous said...

No organized religion is not...but someone who engages in spiritual practice ie meditation, prayer, fasting...would be someone who is in touch with their spiritual nature and not living off of a constant desire to satisfy their sensory desires at all times.