Sunday, January 25, 2009

Remember "The Global System of White Supremacy"?

Michael Fisher said...

"What you thinking?"

I'm thinking that if you equate that shit with "acting black" rather than "behaving ignorant" you done lost your "blackest man on the internet" status.


Anonymous said...


Mike Fish, that was slam dunk.

Anonymous said...

confusion is state of mind.

Michael Fisher said...

As you well know, DV, I'm a bit slow. So what's the point?

Intellectual Insurgent said...

In a roundtable discussion among Malcolm X, James Baldwin and some unremarkable guy who was not memorable, the three men were discussing the notion of equality. Man #3 was whining about fighting for Blacks to be equal to Whites and James Baldwin so wisely retorted - "ain't no illiterate Mississippi cracka my equal."

Anonymous said...

Poor thing. This is how she shows being intrigued by us on a daily basis. And thats just based on portrayals of us in our lowest form. Cant even imagine what she'd do if she gazed upon our greatness half as often

Denmark Vesey said...

Not too much editorial on this one Mike, other than the colonizer gets colonized.

Or, the inescapable spiritual gravity of blackness.

Or, the racially oblivious inevitability of ignorance and arrogant secularism.

Or, refugee from the feminist movement.

Maybe, Hip Hop Hijacks The Vernacular.

What you thinking?

Anonymous said...

I'm considering putting this on my myspace page.


I think it's, "the inescapable spiritual gravity of blackness".

You can't beat us mane!!!


Anonymous said...

who is "us?"

Anonymous said...

Go ahead and call me out Jasai... :-)

For those that wish to delude themselves with means, "black folk"...

For me...we are all fundamentally human.


Anonymous said...

Kimberly, the two are not combatants, thus no delusion involved. You can (and I do) simultaneously recognize Black folks as an "us" and remain aware that people are "all fundamentally human."


Kalena said...

this girl has a chromosomal defect. look at her facial features closely and how she holds her mouth when she speaks.

I'm not sure we can apply all of the grand theories and whatnot to her. It seems to me that she lives or goes to school among poor Black people and, as most teens with learning disabilities, is simply imitating what she sees, rather than making informed choices regarding her behavior.

as i usually say, Po thang!

She just needs some love and some better examples.

Anonymous said...

Not sure about the genetic defect, but most definitely suffering from exposure to what is refered to as the "low class" amongst us.

A big shame for a young life to start off this way.

Michael Fisher said...


"What you thinking?"

I'm thinking that if you equate that shit with "acting black" rather than "behaving ignorant" you done lost your "blackest man on the internet" status.

Anonymous said...

Never ceases to amaze me that you can continue to pretend that you actually think the individualized examples have any bearing at all to GSWS. This poor child's dysfunctional behavior is actually indicative of the fact that the GSWS is an imperative for them to keep themselves from assimilation by us. They put the worst of what some people to believe is Black culture out in front to keep the true greatness of Black culture from becoming the norm. And confused Negroes and confused white people go right along with the program. But since you don't understand the concept of GSWS that just went over your head too.