Sunday, January 23, 2011


Now it’s time for the threats to end and the consequences to begin. After all, in addition to the humanitarian imperative, the United States has a strategic interest in Sudan. Khartoum is one of seven regimes on the U.S. government’s list of state sponsors of terrorism, and Sudan’s dictatorship has had ties with almost every significant terrorist organization in the broader Middle East. Al Qaeda was based in Sudan during the 1990s, and other terrorist groups continue to operate there freely. This month Die Welt reported that Syria and Sudan have been collaborating in developing chemical weapons and may have used them against civilians in Darfur. Thus, in moving against Khartoum for its human rights abuses, we will also be striking a blow in the war on terrorism."


Anonymous said...

It is not news that China has been selling arms to regimes in the region. AIPAC wants to pressure China in the Sudan for fear those same arms will be used against Israel. However, the leaders of Sudan still want the oil money to subsidize the purchase of those arms and personal greed thus the conflict. No different than the poppy trade subsidizes arms deals in Afgan land.

Denmark Vesey said...

What's not news Casper ... is who is selling arms to "the rebels".

Yes, you know China buys oil from Sudan, but not one of you NeoLiberal Go-Along To-Get Along Negro Democrats knows who is providing guns, ammunition, PR firms, travel expenses, logistics and funding to the rebels.

With just a bit of research one will trace the origins of those funds right back to the same groups that claim to want to "Save Darfur".

Anonymous said...

"Yes, you know China buys oil from Sudan, but not one of you NeoLiberal Go-Along To-Get Along Negro Democrats knows who is providing guns, ammunition, PR firms, travel expenses, logistics and funding to the rebels."

You ass-u-me alot!.However, what's the significance of where the rebels are getting their support from. The fact remains that they are being forced from their land by the greedy govt. leaders. Wasn't it you who said that govt. should work for the people. Not the other way around???? Shoot if someone was attempting to run you from your Bel Air estate you would be accepting aid from your yoga and golf instructors if needed. Since you don't have any hommie friends ...

J.C. said...

The U.S. is the largest arms seller in the world.

The neo cons are always sniffing around for ways to make money.

No big surprise.

Anonymous said...

"What's not news Casper ... is who is selling arms to "the rebels"."

BTW most people don't know that China is selling weapons to Sudan either. Most people only think China is buying oil. The fact is China is actually producing the oil with 2 other countries in Sudan.

Anonymous said...

Just a bunch of geedy morally bankrupt men (including the leaders of Sudan and China) using propoganda to scheme and maneuver for a greater share and control of the worlds resources.

J.C. said...

Right on Accra.